Join Patricia Else for Specialty Yoga Workshops for the Low Back, Hips Joints, and Pelvis.
These workshops are for you if you have a grumpy low back or sore or stiff hips from sitting, and or exercise such as weights or running.
Our Low Back Yoga workshops are here to help you sooth your lower back.
In this 60-minute class, yoga exercises are targeted to stretch and strengthen sore and overworked muscles.
Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or brand new to the practice, everyone is welcome to join us on this journey to a deeper understanding of ways to strengthen the low back and prevent injury.
⚠️ If you have any back condition diagnosis please check in before registering.
[OPTION 2] Low Back (Lumbar) and Hip Joints (SI Joint): Thursday, January 30, 2025
Date: Thursday Jan 30. 2025
Timing: 7pm – 8pm
Location: High Performance Studios | 3046 Bloor St. W.
Program Price: $30.00
Special: $40 for participation in both workshops (please contact us for manual registration at discounted rate)
What To Expect From Low Back Yoga Workshop
Each workshop will focus on poses targeted to build personal body awareness and strengthen connections between hips, core, and back.
Please bring your yoga mat if you have one and a blanket to wrap yourself in for shavasana.
Program Already In Session? Please Contact Us for prorated options if this program is already in session.
MEET PATRICIA ELSE — High Performance Trainer | Yoga Instructor
Patricia Else has a Master’s of Science in Community Health Nursing and a background in public health.
She has been a health focused consultant since 2013, a certified personal trainer since 2014 and a certified yoga teacher since 2018; She works with organizations to build capacity and with individuals and groups to build strength and improve their health.
She taught Health Promotion at Sheridan College with Kinesiology degree students.
At Kingsway Boxing the safety of our community is our number one priority. We kindly urge all attendees to be mindful of their health before participating in any classes or training sessions.
Our staff trainers and coaches remain dedicated to upholding strict protocols ensuring the safety and well-being of our Kingsway family. Thorough cleaning and sanitation take place between clients and classes to maintain a clean and hygienic environment.
We are committed to hosting an environment that empowers everyone to excel and accomplish their goals in a healthy and positive setting.
[ARCHIVE] Keep Up With Correspondence Sent Out To Program Participants
Kingsway Boxing is honoured to welcome photojournalist, Acha Patandjila, who will be spending the next few months with KBC documenting the journey of our youth boxing team as they prepare for competition.
Acha Patandjila is a writer, photographer, videographer, and upcoming Humber College Graduand in the Media Communications program.
She has been given the opportunity to document the journey of the youth boxing team as they take the next step into competition. The project will show a different perspective of boxing and who boxers are; in other words, it is to show that there is much more beyond the gloves, the rings and the jabs, there are people, young people; motivated, diligent, hardworking and ready to rumble. The project is themed around community, bravery and the process of unleashing one’s inner self.
Life is a journey, for some, it’s long, for others it’s short and for me, it’s been about wandering. Born in South Africa, raised in Uganda, lived in Rwanda, originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and guess who’s in Toronto? Me! My name is Acha, I’m a roaming storm, I hear, but I am not here to talk about myself, my role is to take you down this new journey to greatness by the Kingsway Boxing Club juniors and you are going to have one bumpy, fun ride!
~ Acha Patandjila
⚠️ Are you interested in joining our Youth Competitive Team? Learn more about next steps and what it takes to become a competitive boxer: Youth Talent ID & Team Tryouts
Nov. 23, 2022 | A Champion’s Mind — Fourth In A Series
If lionhearted was a person, the face would be that of 12-year-old, Neyen Pitawanakwat. From fearing being hit, bruised eyes and bigger competitors, Neyen evolves as courage itself, never allowing anything to knock down his spirits.
Neyen started at Kingsway Boxing Centre in October 2021, and right before the tournament he felt more than ready to unleash his formidable boxing skills since it is something he wants to do “forever, after everything”.
I asked Neyen a few questions about who inspires him and this is what he had to say:
“My dad inspires me. When I was younger, I was getting bullied a lot because of my hair and because I’m native, and he would help me improve on defending myself. He told me ‘You don’t have to do it’ and I told him ‘But I want to do it’. It’s something that connects me and my dad. He wasn’t a boxer, but he would do little fights.”
I admired the relationship Neyen had with his father and acknowledged the advantage of the presence of a father figure in one’s life and how boxing yet again proves not to be an instrument of anger, but rather a vital staircase to connecting individuals. When you think about it people gather from all over the world to watch just one boxing match. Listening to Neyen, I was taken back home to Kampala, Uganda. I smell the fried fish stalls along the roadside, smile at the crowds of children squeezing together to watch a small TV at a convenience store, and hear the sounds of taxi drivers yelling. Uganda is a great place and I was able to relive it through Neyen.
Relationships are the core of a community especially that of an immediate family. Neyen’s father is not the only one he speaks in awe of, he says:
“My mom motivates me more because she never wants to see me fail. If I’m working out and I’m getting too tired, taking long breaks my mom tells me to get back up, ‘doesn’t have to be fast but it needs to be strong, doesn’t need to be strong but it needs to be fast.’ She says ‘This is what you trained for; this is what you want. I know this is hard, but I don’t want to see you fail neither do you, do you want this?’ and I say ‘Yeah!’”
“My sister and her husband, who’s a boxer, help with some jabs and more power . . . I feel like my sister is also like my mom except that she’s more funny with it. My nephew and my niece too they’ll be like ‘Come on man you’ve got this you’ve got this!’. I just think of my family and who’s there with me, in the ring cheering me on. I feel like that just gets me to keep going and that’s just all I need. My family is the number one thing. By the end of the day if you’re sitting alone in a dark room who do you want right beside you? Do you want money? Do you want fame? Do you want people you don’t even know? Or do you want your family which actually loves you and cares about you. I choose family over everything.”
At 6 years old Neyen was bullied, and decided to pick up boxing to defend himself but as time went by he began to realize boxing was all about respect. “I like boxing because it’s in the ring, its better because you have respect in the ring. If you’re angry all you’re doing is just trying to hurt the person you’re not focused on your jabs. They didn’t do anything, they’re normal, they’re on your team and if they’re not on your team, they didn’t do anything. And even if they do say anything, I don’t care, because all I have is respect for you.” Neyen says.
His cultural background has contributed a great lot to Neyen’s free-spirited nature and character. His character is seen when he explains, “As a native with long hair I get called a girl a lot and people tend to say, ‘you don’t deserve this hair’. I like my hair, it’s like a power on my head. It’s awesome to be native, there’s a lot of things we do with our culture like singing and dancing. I’m also Latino, I love both my cultures. One thing I hate is when people say I’m a girl, yet I’m a guy.”
Neyens’ advice to you and I is:
“Never give up, don’t say tomorrow, say today. There’s no tomorrow, there’s today, put in the work, effort, sweat and heart. When you enter that door, there’s no tomorrow, there’s today.”
Neyen Pitawanakwat
May 02, 2022 | COMMITMENT: WHERE DOES IT GET YOU? — Third In A Series
Diego goes to the gym and practices five times a week! A very African (Nigerian) expression would be, “Nawa o!”, an expression of awe and wonder translated to, “Okay wow”.
Commitment, to me, is the hardest task in life, it involves finding contrast in consistency and growing from it. Boring? Possibly, if you’re without vision – but it is that commitment that Diego brings to the ring.
He is like a wild beast in the ring, one of the first boxers I met. He does not need to say much, for his boxing shouts louder. Surprisingly he has only been boxing at Kingsway Boxing Club for about seven months! I kid you not, you can do something for your whole life, but if you lack the zeal to wake up every day and chase that goal, you can call it null and void. The boxers’ commitment alone doesn’t make them a magnificent boxer, it’s the supporters and society’s daily dedication to the person and the cause. We have talked about this in the previous posts and referred to it as Ubuntu, (if you have not read it before, scroll down a bit, you will find it there.)
“In every sport, I always thought I could do everything I wanted so I put my mind on boxing,” Diego says. “If you are playing basketball, you have four other teammates to rely on but if you’re boxing you hold yourself accountable.” How many times in your life do you do something and quit halfway because you feel like it is not bearing fruit? I myself have a few articles only half-written, waiting for me on my desktop. The disciplines of dedication and commitment to boxing are those we can apply to our own lives.
“If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.”
Mohammed Ali
“If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.” That quote by Mohammed Ali, Diego lives by. He says he wants to be the best boxer of his time. This game is more about the mind and the heart. With the support of his family, Diego is able to give his sport all of his attention. This boxer is a CHAMPION – argue at your own risk.
Apr. 12, 2022 | Beauty In The Brave — Second In A Series
It was a cozy Thursday evening, the sun emerged as the darkness tried to fill the bright city. Julia Rosanna was feeling well again after defeating COVID, it was going to be an interesting endeavour. Would she make it through though?
Julia joined the Club back in October 2019, since then she trains as a junior boxer every Thursday and Saturday and for her, as much as this is her last year as a junior boxer, the experience has been remarkably life changing. Brave is a word far from her vocabulary, it does not seem to be a word she lives by which I found quite intriguing.
Having been told by her doctor that she exhibits some characteristics of ADHD, evidenced by her level of coordination, Julia was always the last to be picked for any sports-related activities. For many, this would be a reason to be discouraged but for this girl, it was every reason to try as much as she could until she was chosen. Kingsway Boxing Club opened that door and that is where her story matured.
It took twice as much effort for her to succeed in boxing. On Saturdays, she stayed a little while longer after practice to practice more and more, and one time her efforts were recognized by Phil, a trainer and boxer at the Club who complimented her saying she was getting better, to her, this was a huge moment.
In this day and age equity does not find us where we go, we find equity and make equity amount to our standards. From this girl, it is through hard work, perseverance, and a paradigm shift of one’s perspective towards life. “It’s all mental,” she says, “everything that you feel and everything that you see is all mental, it’s entirely surreal so if you could change your mind, you could change not the world in a sense but definitely how you respond to the world.”
“Everything that you feel and everything that you see is all mental, it’s entirely surreal so if you could change your mind, you could change not the world in a sense but definitely how you respond to the world.”
Julia Howe
The question: Was she going to make it through the season is answered – Julia is a fighter. How far she can go? The limit is not the sky, nor will she stop at the stars – because she is VALOROUS in every letter.
Apr. 1, 2022 | Where It Started — First In A Series
It was a warm Friday morning, Spring was calling, and it was PIZZA DAY at Kingsway Boxing Club to make it better; That was the last day of Fight Camp. The one-week camp was coming to an end, and it was going to end in great style and action with a lot of sparring. What in the world is sparring?!
Matias systematically wraps his wrist with a red, long wrap as Joey in the corner does the same with a black one, and Diego, well, he has a different wrapping style where he first layers the wrap on his knuckles and I think what on earth is he doing, whether it is for the aesthetics, or the weights, don’t boxers wear boxing gloves when boxing? A Hand wrap is a long piece of cloth with such primary value to the boxer; to avoid hand injuries and provide support to their wrists. Before the conditioning, before sparring, this is where it starts and while they are at it, all you can hear are chatters, and little waves of laughter, others helping those who find it difficult to wrap, and it takes me back home, we called that togetherness – “Ubuntu”.
A hand wrap is a long piece of cloth with such primary value to the boxer; to avoid hand injuries and provide support to their wrists.
Ubuntu is the belief in existing because of the existence of others. In other words, to become a person, a boxer, you will need other boxers, referees, fans, supporters, and an endless list of a community. In the process, I realized there was more to boxing than throwing fists in oversized gloves rather it was a moment to unite in one accord, a moment to release your inner solidity and brain brawn because you need your mind just as much as the rest of your body on this journey, something like dancing but it is different.
Ubuntu is the belief in existing because of the existence of others. In other words, to become a person, a boxer, you will need other boxers, referees, fans, supporters, and an endless list of a community.
After a few sessions of jumping, punching bags, throwing huge balls around, memorizing tolerance, and loud hushes, was the much more exciting bit in the ring! “Jelo”, who is not called Jello, a boxer at the Kingsway Boxing Club held intimidating features and posture, his punches looked like they would throw you out the ring at one go, yes, he was one of the people the junior boxers were going to spar with, and you do not think that is brave? I did not see myself in that ring in a thousand years let alone with professionals, yet these junior boxers seemed more than ready to jab and cross these fighters. The girl’s extraordinary performance reminded me of a speech by Chimamanda Adichie where she said, “Never ever accept ‘because you are a woman’ as a reason for doing or not doing anything,” it was evident as they were in the ring that their gender was never going to be an excuse for anything, we love to see it!
The brave boxers were awarded certificates of participation to sum up their camp session. I used to think like I know many others do think as well, that boxing is violent, I was contradicted that day, there had to be a much greater reason as to why everyone was there. This is life for many children and teenagers on the road to the competition. They’re here to seek, heal, grow, box, and learn, but mainly to defeat because “Defeat is not an Option”. This is where it all begins.
Check out our top 3 options for newcomers, including:
Use the fundamentals of boxing to get into the best shape of your life from the comfort of your own home! Jennifer Huggins and Virgil Barrow will be coming to you live from Kingsway Boxing Club with fun boxing drills packed into an effective 45 min workout for any age or fitness level! We’re also offering a range of other classes run bout our High-Performance Fitness Professionals…
All you need is enough space to drop into burpees and pushups! Maybe bring a water bottle if you decide you need a quick break.
(Active members receive unlimited access to the online class schedule listed below)
Kingsway Boxing presents our exclusive Virtual Corporate Training and Team Building Program
Are you ready for an intensive virtual visit from our Internationally and Nationally Certified Coaches?
This package gets your team off the ropes as we break down the essential components of boxing. Forget PowerPoint…this This is power punch time!
This program is easily accessible to the average recreational sports enthusiast, or even to those who haven’t been out from behind their Facebook pages or off the couch in a while! Our program is structured to systematically demonstrate and participate in the technical, offensive, and defensive aspects of boxing with fun, energy, and confidence.
You are guaranteed to benefit from this programs’ ability to sharpen focus, build teamwork and improve confidence.
After our workshops, you will have the knowledge of:
Self Testing for Restrictions, “ Try this at Home”
Written by Jim Marinow a Registered Massage Therapist, Fascial Stretch Therapist and Tui Na Practitioner at Trilogy Physiotherapy.
First off, you will need a 12 foot ladder, a blindfold, a pair of flip flops and some bacon grease…… oops sorry, that’s the Intro to Parkour article.
As a therapist, whenever I treat an injury I always want to know “the why’. When a patient tells me that something hurts, I want to know why that muscle, ligament, tendon or joint failed to perform. Understanding the cause makes it easier to both treat the injury and prevent its recurrence.
In practice, this looks like something along the lines of, “OK, so now that we have that injury feeling better, here is the exercise(s) you should do before every workout to keep it from getting re-injured’.
An absolute best case scenario is when I can identify ‘an injury’ before it happens. Sound like Voodoo? Not really.
Weakness, imbalances in strength, or excessive tightness are all warning signs that if you place that structure (joint, muscle, ligament) under weight-bearing stress or repeated use, it may result in a painful tear or just gradually develop into an area of chronic injury.
Our bodies are remarkable mechanisms. When we ask them to run, they run, if we want them to throw a punch or a ball, they will perform. The problem is, that if one of the muscles (or joints) that is supposed to be involved in that movement pattern is not fully up to the task, then something else will take over to perform that movement for you. While this sounds great, it can easily lead to dysfunction and pain when a stabilizer muscle is trying to do the work of a driver’s muscle, YIKES!
Preventative maintenance: (Prehab) is always way easier and far more pleasurable than treating an injury (Rehab).
As a part of my practice, I offer my patients a comprehensive assessment that takes into consideration the activity/sport and then identifies any vulnerabilities. Armed with this knowledge you will be able to integrate the necessary stretch, strengthening or activation exercise into your warm-up or warm down that will help keep you moving optimally and pain-free.
Try this at home:
Stand barefoot with your feet shoulder-width apart
Slowly raise your Right knee to just above hip level as you stretch your right arm up above your head towards the ceiling
Hinge at the hip and start to bend forward (Keeping your spine in a straight line) as you reach your right hand down towards the floor, simultaneously stretch your right leg back towards the wall behind you keeping it parallel to the floor.
Touch the floor with your right hand about 12 inches in front of your foot (feel free to bend your left knee to get down there)
Slowly return to start position and repeat 5 times without letting your right foot touch the floor
Repeat on the left.
Was one side stronger or more balanced than the other?
Were you unable to perform the exercise at all?
Were you wobbling a lot through the movement?
Did your support knee move from side to side as you reached for the floor?
Was anything painful or uncomfortable through the movement (Knee, Hip, Ankle)?
If you struggled with the exercise, that’s fine, it’s not supposed to be easy. If you answered yes to any of the above, you may be experiencing some instability or weakness that can become problematic when you run, squat, lunge or climb.
Manual Therapy/Massage Therapy can help to activate a muscle that has stopped doing its job or is taking a temporary break. Releasing tension in muscles adjacent to an area of instability also helps get movement patterns to normalize, and will make your stretching routine far more productive.
Book an assessment to get the most out of your time at the gym or at your chosen Sport.
Jim Marinow is a Registered Massage Therapist, Fascial Stretch Therapist and Tui Na practitioner. He can be found at Trilogy Physiotherapy and Trilogy at Kingsway Boxing
Currently Booking Appointments With Trilogy Physiotherapy At KINGSWAY BOXING HIGH-PERFORMANCE STUDIOS | 3046 Bloor St. W. Toronto ON.
Written by Jim Marinow a Registered Massage Therapist, Fascial Stretch Therapist and Tui Na Practitioner at Trilogy Physiotherapy.
Well….. that all depends. Flexibility is important when it comes to healthy joint function as we take our body through various planes of movement (after long periods of sitting) Taking the time to stretch is great, but making the most of how you stretch is even better.
The stretch before an activity is best done as a dynamic (or moving) stretch. This means, taking whatever muscle groups you will be using, through movements similar to your intended activity.
As an example, if your activity is running your warm-up might include: standing on one leg and touching the floor, followed by gentle walking lunges.
The first part (standing on one leg and doing floor touches) helps to initiate the weight transfer that happens during running and ‘wakes up’ the ankle, knee and hip. The second part (walking lunges) help to activate the Quads, Glutes and Hamstrings, get some blood moving to those muscles. Add in a couple more moving stretches and you have sent the message to your muscles and joints that say ‘Hey its time to work!’
The type of stretch after an activity that is most useful is a static stretch. This is the stretch that you hold for a longer period of time and relax into. As an example: a seated hamstring stretch, where you reach for your toes and hold can be a part of a great injury prevention strategy.
Aggressive static stretching causes muscles to get protective about being forced into a stretch and create unwanted tightness. Listen to your body, take your stretch to the very first “barrier” (this is where you feel a gentle pull?) and breathe. Hold until you either no longer feel the stretch or feel less stretch. This may take up to 2 minutes.
How to ‘Save your Neck’, after all, it holds your head up!
Written by Jim Marinow a Registered Massage Therapist, Fascial Stretch Therapist and Tui Na Practitioner at Trilogy Physiotherapy.
We all tend to slump a bit at our desk, we look down into our lap to view the screen on our handheld device, and our chin pitches forward a little when we drive….Yikes!
When your chin moves forward and your shoulders ‘round’ inward, a number of unpleasant things happen at your neck and shoulders.
For every 15 degrees that our head comes forward (from upright), there is roughly 15lbs of pressure exerted on the cervical spine (your neck). So, at 45 degrees of ‘forward pitch’, (which is roughly where your head is when looking down at your handheld device), you have the equivalent of a 4-year-old child sitting on top of your head.
Most of us do this for over 1,000 hours a year!
This can lead to a complex of problems known as Upper Crossed Syndrome: The muscles of the upper back become over-active and strained, while the chest muscles become shortened and tight which eventually leads to headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, and postural disorders.
The fix: The best position for sitting at your desk is movement! Standing work stations are great but don’t try standing all day. The magic to diminishing the ill effects your desk is to keep changing your position.
For example:
Sit for a while and try to be mindful of your posture, as soon as you notice yourself slouching, move to a standing position,
If you take a phone call, walk around while you are talking.
Go back to sitting for a while, then return to standing with one foot elevated on a couple of books (be nicer than that to your books and use a low box).
Getting regular manual therapy to help the process along is also a great idea to helping keep your neck and shoulders healthy. The hands-on release of Trigger Points (Knots) in your neck and shoulders, enables those muscles to move through their intended Ranges of Motion, have better circulation and allow your body to feel relaxed while maintaining good posture.
Our muscles instinctively move away from pain and discomfort, so if a muscle is tight, sore, and ‘talking’ (or screaming) at you, your body will try to move into a position that avoids discomfort. Massage therapy removes the discomfort and allows your muscles to maintain great posture without struggling.
In my practice, I provide manual therapy to release tight and overexerted muscles. I also activate muscles that have been weakened by underuse and I teach my patients simple and effective exercises that can be done in the office or at home to help offset the postural problems which are associated with sitting for long periods of time.
If you look at a list of body parts men want to tone, somewhere up near the top, you’ll see abs. Sure, bulging biceps would be great, and you probably wouldn’t mind pecs that pop either. But abs — those elusive, sculpted, six-pack symbol of hyper-fitness — are universally sought on any fitness list. And yet, there is a cottage industry selling misguided, haphazard ab advice. The best abs workouts for men are pretty hard to come by.
We recommend the following top 5:
Flutter Kick
Lie on your back, legs extended, heels about 6 inches off the ground. Place your hands by your sides or under the small of your back for support. Begin to scissor your legs up and down, as if you are doing the backstroke in the pool. Flutter kick for 20 seconds, rest 10, then do 20 seconds more.
Leg Drop
Lie on your back on the floor, legs straight up in the air, feet together. Place your hands by your sides or under the small of your back for support. Without bending your knees, lower your legs to just above the floor, then raise them back to their vertical position. Do 10 reps, rest 10 seconds, then do another 10 reps.
Russian Twist
Grab an 8-10 pound medicine ball or dumbbell. Sit on the floor, knees bent, feet flat in front of you. Hold the weight with both hands, arms straight in front of your chest. Lean back so that your body is at 45 degrees (mid-situp position). Twist to the right, letting your arms swing over to your right side. Twist back to the left, letting arms swing to the left side of your body. That’s one rep. Do 10 reps, rest 10 seconds. Do 3 sets.
Get into an extended pushup position, then lower yourself to your elbows. Keeping your body in a straight line from head to toe, hold the position for 60 seconds. For variations on the theme, try a side plank (prop yourself up on one elbow, then raise your hips off the ground to create a straight line from your feet to your shoulders).
Sit on the floor, knees bent, feet flat in front of you. Place a medicine ball between your feet. Lean back and lift your feet off the floor, straightening your legs until your weight is balanced in a V position. From here, either hold this position for 30 seconds, or for a more advanced challenge, bend and straighten your legs while maintaining the V-hold. Relax, then repeat.
Are You Up To The Challenge? Kingsway Boxing Club Is Featuring A Monthly Challenge… For A Great Cause!
#KBCchallenge October 2019 – PLANKS
As our fall season is in full swing we thought we’d set up a series of monthly challenges to motivate you on a daily basis. Because moving EVERY DAY is important to building and maintaining optimal health and fitness.
Our first challenge for the month of October is a PLANK challenge. You can get your plank done in a class at home, at the office or in the gym, we just want you to get it done! Click here for a printable version.
Here’s how it works:
Follow the chart and record how many days you completed a plank. Those who complete the chart AND can hold the plank longer than the allotted 2:00 minute maximum will be challenged even further. You will have to do a plank with another person present (for verification) and send us a photo of you doing the plank and your final time. The person who can hold a plank the longest will win a pair of Fight To End Cancer boxing gloves and be featured on KBC social media!
High Performance coach Jo-Anne demonstrating a perfect PLANK
Kingsway Boxing is proud to officially partner with Trilogy Physiotherapy, Welcome Team Trilogy!
The team at Trilogy Physiotherapy are top-notch and experts in their field. Already established in Downtown Toronto, with a second location right here in The Kingsway, Trilogy brings many years of experience and advanced techniques for treating athletes and sports enthusiasts of all kinds. In September, Trilogy Physiotherapy was nominated as one of the Top 10 physiotherapy clinics in Toronto, and Jason Gallant (clinic founder) as one of the Top 10 physiotherapists. Hundreds voted, & the results are finally in! Congratulations Trilogy Physiotherapy and Jason for this incredible achievement.
Jason is clinic director and co-owner at Trilogy Physiotherapy. He brings years of experience from various sports and orthopaedic clinics in the GTA. Jason graduated with dual Bachelor degrees in Physical & Health Education and Biology from Queen’s University. From there, he completed a Master of Science Physical Therapy degree, also from Queen’s.
The entire KBC crew came out to welcome these incredible athletes as they shared their journeys and some excellent advice amongst our boxers.
Deedra Chestnut and Joshua Buatsi stopped by the gym to speak to the Kingsway Boxing Club youth and elite boxing teams.
Last Tuesday, British Olympic Medalist, Joshua Buatsi and past Canadian National Boxer Deedra Chestnut, spent the afternoon talking with our youth, and later our elite boxers. Both athletes are incredibly humble, wise and inspiring. As they spoke with the teams, you could feel the dedication they both have for boxing and it was clear how much they bring to the sport. You could also see the inspiration in everyone’s eyes as you looked around the room as they told their stories. Deedra and Joshua described their journeys and what’s next for them. Following their talk, both champions hung out at the gym, watching our athletes show off their talents offering tips to the aspiring athletes.
Thank you to both for inspiring greatness amongst our youth and elite boxer! It was so amazing to hear their boxing stories and how the hard work and dedication continues to pay off for these athletes.
Our youth boxers hanging onto every word.
Joshua Buatsi (born 14 March 1993), is a Ghanaian-born British professional boxer. He competed at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in the light heavyweight division, winning an Olympic bronze medal.[1] He turned professional on 5 June 2017, signing with Matchroom Boxing. He is managed by former heavyweight world champion Anthony Joshua.
Deedra Chestnut, Canadian Born Amateur Boxer, will be training her heart out as she prepares for the African games in 4.5 weeks. Deedra is honored to be the first women to represent Sierra Leone at ANY international competition ever. Keep your eyes on this one, as it won’t be the last you see of her or Joshua.
Brought to you by professional MMA fighter, Melissa Karagianis, Beginner Muay Thai Program is a 60-minute coed Muay Thai class. You will be taught beginner to intermediate techniques. Muay Thai is known as the science of eight limbs meaning you use your shins, fist, elbows, and knees.
Throughout the six-week program, you will learn proper striking technique, improve your cardio and full-body conditioning. This class is fun, interactive and challenging.
BONUS – All will get a free access membership to our Boxing Gym Location during open training hours for the duration of the program!
The Workout: The beginners Muay Thai Program is filled with fun boxing and Martial Arts drills. These classes will include a combination of strength, cardio, muscle endurance, flexibility, core, and functional movement exercises. You will get EVERYTHING you need!
Time Efficient Training. Our classes are 60 minutes in length. Get you in and get you out. We keep you moving and burning fat from the first minute to the very end!
NEVER Plateau! The body hates change! It would much rather do the same thing every minute of every day. Well, we have news for you…when you do the same exercise routine day in and day out you stop seeing results or “plateau.” Throughout our classes, we utilize the principle of muscle confusion. You will NEVER do the same workout twice! Why is this good? Because…your body will never adapt and you will never plateau! You will get results and they will come quick and continue to come!
Positive Energy: Our programs are about a team environment where both your trainers and fellow teammates motivate and challenge you to reach your highest potential!
KBC Family: Make new friends and become a part of the Kingsway Boxing – Muay Thai Family! Everyone supports each other and it’s an experience like none other. Come and see for yourself! Get fit and have fun!
These teenagers all have ADHD and have been excluded from mainstream school. Here they tell how the sport of boxing is helping them channel their excess energy and improve their life skills.
In an amateur boxing gym in Barry, 14-year-old Levi is tugging on his boxing gloves, ready to join his friends in training.
Some are already practicing in the ring, aiming jabs and uppercuts.
Others are punching the bags or skipping as music plays in the background and the smell of sweat and chalk permeates the air.
Levi is a fighter.
He always has been. In fact, he has been excluded from school twice for disobedient behaviour.
Gabriel Pietrangelo keeps his hands up during a training session in the ring at the Kingsway Boxing Club.
TORONTO.COM EXCLUSIVE: Enter The Ring In South Etobicoke slips on the gloves and goes a few rounds
Geoff Britnell works with a double-ended bag during a training session at the Kingsway Boxing Club.
Coach Jennifer Huggins (left) uses focus mitts to train with Vinni Kana at the Kingsway Boxing Club.
The “sweet science” is practiced in the “squared circle,” also known as “the ring.” In south Etobicoke, budding pugilists hone their skills at Kingsway Boxing Club. The club offers competitive and recreational boxing programs, that aim to take athletes to the next level of competition. Kingsway’s mission is to help improve every athlete that takes up the game, regardless of their sporting goals. The coaching staff has real-world boxing experience, that they share with each and every athlete in training.
Are you a Registered Massage Therapist, Osteopath or Physiotherapist looking to take the next step to set up your own practice?
Location: Kingsway Boxing Club | THE HIGH-PERFORMANCE STUDIOS | 3046 Bloor St. W. Toronto ON.
Our High-Performance Studio is modern, professional, welcoming, and inclusive. Our team focus on booking and maintaining a busy schedule along with providing the clinical support you need. This is a perfect opportunity to establish a new business or build on an existing one while becoming a part of the family here at Kingsway Boxing Club.
Private Room in the heart of the Kingsway appropriate for RMT, Physiotherapy, etc. Nutrition
Turnkey client databasing
Set your own hours
We have a consistent patient flow due to our medical doctors and specialist team. Flexible schedule, comprehensive and competitive compensation package
Performing high-quality treatments with a complete focus on patient care, maintaining a strong and collaborative working relationship with your colleagues.
If you are interested in working in a sport therapy, patient-focused team atmosphere, we would love to hear from you.
POUND-FOR-POUND: Heavyweight Works by Fight To End Cancer Artists: A Knockout Success
On May 7th, in partnership with Steam Whistle and FUJIFILM Canada, The Fight To End Cancer held their inaugural Pound-For-Pound: Heavyweight Works by Fight To End Cancer Artists gallery launch event. The event was hosted at the fantastic Steam Whistle Gallery in the heart of Toronto. The show features approximately 30 photos donated by talented members of the Fight To End Cancer family, printed on metal, by our newest photo partners at Fujifilm Print Life.
Our exhibit photographers will be exhibiting 1-5 pieces on site at the Steam Whistle Gallery for the month of May and on our online auction open to the world at
Exhibit Photographers: Spencer Wynn, Virgil Barrow, Rebecca Freeman, Chris Small, Matteo Forgione, Jeff McNeill, Chris Hominuk, Kaitlyn Black, Sandi Ralph, Krissy Turriff, Mette-Margrethe Nielsen (view bios and preview photos).
(article continues below photos)
For the first time ever, Fight To End Cancer is holding an online auction open to the public. Our 2019 auction, presented by Humbertown Jewellers, is now open to the public and also features our Pound-For-Pound Photo Exhibit live at the Steam Whistle for the month of May!
100% funds collected from the Fight To End Cancer Auction Items is donated to The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. Don’t miss your chance to secure your item!
Virgil Barrow, exhibit feature photographer, picked up the camera only three short years ago. He is not only incredible behind the the camera, but is also the force behind training the Fight To End Cancer fight team, year after year. Photo Credit: Alisia DeMelo
Matteo Forgione, 16 year old Pound-For-Pound photographer, made the first sale of the exhibit when Allison Dellandrea (FTEC2017 Fighter) donated $300 for his piece. Photo Credit: Alisia DeMelo
Krissy Turriff and Chris Small pose with ‘Indonesian Sweet-T’. Both Krissy and Chris are feature photographers in the Pound-For-Pound Photo Exhibit
The launch event saw over 200 art and cancer research supporters who came together to enjoy live music, food, art, drinks and some inspirational words, all in support of a great cause. The guests also had a chance to win some prizes and purchase some great pieces. Each of the beautiful pieces on display in the gallery are for sale, with all proceeds going to the Fight to End Cancer benefiting The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.
The night was kicked off with a great set by Soda Blue, welcoming guests as they arrived. Once inside and enjoying the music, the crowd was able to enjoy tasty appetizers paired with Steam Whistle Pilsner or a selection of wine, as they perused the fantastic art.
(article continues below photos)
The night was kicked off with a great set by our official FTEC band, Soda Blue! Photo Credit: Alisia DeMelo
In addition to the photos on display, the guests were treated to a live painting demonstration by the very talented artist Grace Miah. The incredible piece will be featured in our online charity auction until May 31! Photo Credit Alisia DeMelo
Beyond the art and fun, the crowd was reminded why we chose to fight with inspirational words from Jim Mosher of Landscape Plus, each of the contributing artists in attendance and the incomparable Jennifer Huggins, founder of Fight To End Cancer. Photo Credit: Alisia DeMelo
The inaugural Pound-For-Pound photo gallery event hosted by Steam Whistle, was a huge success and has generated thousands of dollars for the Fight To End Cancer. Artists are already asking about next year’s gallery. Photo Credit: Alisia DeMelo
In addition to the photos on display, the guests were treated to a live painting demonstration by the very talented artist Grace Miah. Grace’s wonderful painting, along with a striking mixed media piece, the photos on display in the gallery and some additional pieces, are all available for purchase through the online auction site. (
In addition to raffle tickets, for a chance to win prize packs from the Fight To End Cancer and Steam Whistle, guests could purchase Fight To End Cancer tie bars and lapel pins from our friends at Grafton Apparel. Their annual campaign, which has raised over $235,000, continues now through to the end of June. You can visit any of their stores including Tip Top Tailors, George Richards and Mr. Big & Tall Menswear and for a $20 donation pickup a tie bar or lapel pin.
Beyond the art and fun, the crowd was reminded why we chose to fight, with inspirational words from Jim Mosher of Landscape Plus, each of the contributing artists in attendance and the incomparable Jennifer Huggins.
The inaugural event was a huge success and is already generating thousands of dollars for the Fight To End Cancer with artists already asking about next year’s gallery. If you didn’t make it to this year’s launch event, you can still go visit our friends at Steam Whistle and enjoy a tasty beverage while enjoying the photos. The show runs through until the end of May.
The Fight To End Cancer (FTEC) is a year round initiative carried out by ambassadors, sponsors and volunteers worldwide. Over $1,000,000 has been donated to date since our inaugural year in 2012. Funds raised by FTEC are donated directly to the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. Each year we celebrate the incredible hard work and dedication of our FTEC family with a black-tie charity boxing gala. This gala showcases ten men and women who represent our Official Fight Team. Our goal is to raise funds for cancer research year-round with the support of the local community and business owners. Let’s make a difference now in the fight to end cancer for a long and successful future for everyone. This is an event like no other and has quickly become one of the most anticipated events in Toronto.
About The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation at University Health Network raises funds for breakthrough research, exemplary teaching and compassionate care at Princess Margaret Hospital and its research arm, the Ontario Cancer Institute, which now includes The Campbell Family Cancer Research Institute and The Campbell Family Breast Cancer Research Institute. More information about the Foundation can be found at
The Steam Whistle story begins in the spring of 1998 with three friends on a canoe trip through Ontario’s beautiful heartland.
Greg Taylor, Cam Heaps and Greg Cromwell had been colleagues at one of Canada’s premier microbreweries in the late 1980’s and 90’s, before it was bought out by a national brewer and closed down, like so many of Ontario’s independent breweries. As they sat around the campfire, the self-named “Three Fired Guys” dreamed of running their own brewery one day—one that would make a Pilsner to compete with the best in the world.
Over the past two decades, Steam Whistle has grown from a dream hatched by the fireside into one of Canada’s largest and most beloved independent breweries. But our Founders’ vision of creating a Pilsner Canadians can be proud of is still the driving force behind why we show up every day.
We are excited to be the official photo printing partner for the Fight To End Cancer. Since the 1930’s, Fujifilm has been developing film technology and suppling the world with its legendary film stock. Over the past 65 years, Fujifilm papers have been used to create, document and preserve moments in world events and in people’s lives.
Today, as a world leader in advanced imaging technology, Fujifilm has never strayed from its roots. Fujifilm’s Print Life business is printing fine art metal enlargements for the Fight To End Cancer art exhibit. This technology and the wow-factor these prints provide are available to everyone online, not just for the exhibit. Visit our web site to see how you can create works of art just as beautiful as those being displayed at the Steam Whistle gallery for the Fight To End Cancer. We look forward to an exciting fight this year and will look forward to all the special moments in the coming years.
Shireen Fabing To Compete in ALL WOMEN Boxing Tournament | West Coast Wonder Women
Kingsway Boxing Club is cheering on one of our own, Shireen Fabing. Help us cheer her on as she embarks on an amazing journey.
“After participating in the second annual Fight to End Cancer back in 2013 I thought, ‘just one more, one club fight’ and then I would have the experience of a big fancy gala and a regular club show. Who would have thought, here I am training for my 10th sanctioned bout and it’s my first out of province match – actually first time travelling anywhere outside of the GTA to compete.”
Born in Capetown, South Africa and raised by a single mom for most of her life, Shireen Fabing helped to her raise her younger brother and sister.
Shireen started her career in Public Relations/Marketing in Cape Town. She and her husband moved to Canada in 2002 to be close to family where she continued her PR work. Shireen went back to college and one day found herself covering exciting events and concerts for a few years.
A friend talked Shireen into going to a boxing conditioning class with her 10 years ago and she was hooked. After years of training, she entered her first amateur fight in 2013 where she took part in the Fight To End Cancer That year she fought for her surviving “second mom” in South Africa and others touch by cancer.
2013 was a year of firsts, she also became a mom, adopting an 18 month old girl. “Life has changed in so many amazing ways, what an incredible journey. She’s my ray of sunshine and my light at the end of every tunnel.”
Shireen recently lost another significant person in her life to cancer. Together with her own family and her boxing family, she is more determined than ever to help “kick cancer’s ass”.
SHIREEN FUN FACT: According to her husband, people think Shireen has the hardest, meanest looking mug, but what they don’t know is that she has a huge heart and that she is really a softie!
All female International boxing cards are few and far between. Worldwide there are only 5, with West Coast Wonder Women being one of them. This event is highly regarded in the amateur female boxing world. Female bouts are hard to find as female boxers aren’t as prevalent as male boxers. We want to change that and redefine the historical and societal perceptions of who defines as a boxer.
On the card, there will be a wide variety of athletes in the sense of experience. Everything from brand new athletes, getting into the ring for the first time, to National Champions. There will be all ages, from as young as 7yrs old to as old as possible! Boxing isn’t geared towards any specific size, as we will have flyweights to heavyweights with everything in between.
“When I found boxing (or boxing found me), for a while I thought “why didn’t I find this sport earlier in life” but as I began to progress, that thought is now a distant memory. I believe we found each other at the right time. Boxing is on the rise. Women’s boxing is on the rise and I’m living it now. The opportunity to showcase all the hard work leading up to the big moments will always be the bonus for me along with demonstrating that we are capable of accomplishing anything we put our minds to. I can burst with gratitude when I think about the journey to date. Hasn’t always been easy and there’s still quite a bit of hard work ahead and I’m so ready. Let’s not forget the dope factor here – I’m going to fight on an all-female card with boxers as young as 9 years old all the way up to 50+. That, is an opportunity in itself and a true testament that we can do anything put our minds to regardless of age!”
Muscle Run is a unique training system that incorporates strength training with running.
Muscle Run is a unique training system that incorporates strength training with running. Led by TeamKBC’s own coach Jo-Anne Sheffield, a seasoned runner and fitness professional, this weekly group workout provides both cardio and muscle conditioning benefits. All fitness levels are welcome!
Time / Place:
Each session is 60 minutes. Some sessions may go longer depending on the number and pace of runners. The session begins and ends at the KBC High-Performance Studio on Bloor St. W.
We will run rain or shine so come dressed to run in all weather conditions.
Our workout will include:
dynamic warmup
functional exercises using minimal or no equipment
Running 3 – 5km max. (various paces will be accommodated)
Founded in 2011, the Fight To End Cancer has raised nearly $1.5 million dollars, in support of cancer research, with proceeds going directly to the the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
Featuring a new group of white-collar men and women each year, with no prior boxing experience, Fight To End Cancer’s annual black tie gala concludes months of their intense training, in true Olympic-style boxing, and hard work in achieving personal fundraising goals. Fight To End Cancer has quickly grown to become a premium fundraiser and showcases these brave individuals, as they lace up their gloves and step into our ring to help knock out cancer.
Kingsway Boxing specializes in creating programs catered to the individual needs of our clients. We pride ourselves in not charging a membership to those who are only looking for individualized training. In addition to a wide array of predetermined boxing programs, we also offer the following services:
Semi-Private or Private Training: Are you looking for a more personal approach to training that fits your schedule? With packages starting as low as $30 per session, this is the perfect option for you!
Group Training: This option is great for groups of 3 or more people who are looking to train at the same time.
Sports Team and Athletic Cross-Training: These programs are uniquely customized to the individual sport. Specializing in both outdoor and indoor training, these programs are ideal for increasing strength, agility and overall success in your sport.
On and Off-Site Boxing Workshops: Kingsway Boxing presents Sport Team, School and Corporate Workshops include an intensive visit from our Nationally Certified Senior Coaches Boxing Ontario Nationally Certified Coaches and assisted by licensed competitive boxers.This package gets your students/employees on the mat as we break down the essential components of boxing. Forget homework…this is punch time!
This program is easily accessible to the average recreational sport enthusiast, or even to those who haven’t been out from behind their Facebook pages or off the couch in awhile! Our program is structured to systematically demonstrate and participate in the technical, offensive and defensive aspects of boxing with fun, energy, and confidence.
You are guaranteed to benefit from this program’s ability to sharpen focus, build teamwork and improve your students’ confidence.
Come into our Bloor Street studio and join other health-minded women in a high-energy, small group fitness class. Fusion-Fit is designed to work for every single muscle group. The program is a combination of strength training, cardio, boxing, core conditioning and flexibility. Each and every class is unique, challenging and fun! All fitness levels are welcome!
Yoga provides athletes with training and tools that will allow them to excel in their chosen field. This Yoga Series will focus on slow flow hatha yoga for recharging, refreshing and restoring. Move slowly and purposefully from posture to posture, taking time to breathe while quieting your mind.
Each individual sport has very different demands, we also offer Beginner and Sport Specific Yoga which provides athletes with training and tools that will allow them to excel in their chosen field.
Kingsway Boxing presents “FightCamp”. This 1-day intensive camp is lead by Boxing Ontario Nationally Certified Coaches, Officials and assisted by licensed competitive boxers. FightCamp was developed to fast track students to learn the essentials of amateur boxing in a safe and effective manner. The program has been used by the average recreational sport enthusiast, all the way up to the elite boxer looking to further their skills in the sport. Open to men and women, we will give you the chance to learn, improve or test your skills as an Olympic style boxer.
Once you complete this camp you will qualify to train in the competitive and recreational boxing programs offered by Kingsway Boxing. You will also qualify to acquire your Amateur Boxing license through Kingsway Boxing Club. Being licensed under the sanctioning body of Boxing Ontario will allow you to compete at the amateur level. You will also receive a complete FightCamp Handbook outlining each component along with structured workouts to help you perfect your skills.
We have developed this program to help prepare you physically, technically and mentally to be a competitive boxer. Being a part of this team ensures that you will get the attention from the coaches necessary to be ready if or when we take you to fight in club shows or tournaments.
The Girls Teen BOXING Program is run by Canadian National Coach and 3-Star International Referee/Judge, Jennifer Huggins. After recognizing the incredible impact the sport has had on her life, she felt it was necessary to share her passion with the youth of the community. The girls who participate in this class learn the technical components of boxing and are given an opportunity to explore their confidence in ways that will help them in all walks of life. We look forward to welcoming the girls back and opening the doors to others looking to share in the experience.
Boxing is one of the best activities for physical, mental and overall health. It is also a sport with endless opportunities and benefits. After great success with our specialty programs since 2013, the Co-Ed Teen Boxing Classes have become one of our most popular programs. We look forward to welcoming the teens back and opening the doors to others looking to share in the experience.
The Teen Boxing Programs run 5 to 12 weeks depending on the season and are focused on the technical and fitness aspects of boxing. We include a free access membership to the Boxing Gym location (22 Jutland Rd. Unit B. Toronto ON) for the duration of the program.
Boxing is one of the most enjoyable sports for people of all ages. Introducing the sport at a young age helps kids develop the skills and confidence they need moving forward in other sports, and even in everyday life. With registration at capacity each season, the Kids Boxing Classes have proven to be one of our most popular programs. We look forward to welcoming the kids back and opening the doors to other children looking to share in the experience.
The Kids 7+ Boxing Programs run 5 to 12 weeks depending on the season and are focused on the technical and fitness aspects of boxing. We include a free access membership to the Boxing Gym location (22 Jutland Rd. Unit B. Toronto ON) for the duration of the program.
With the 3 Month Special Membership, you can choose from any scheduled classes, including women’s only and technical sparring (must qualify). With the regular price for this package is $380.00, If you plan on attending more than one class per week this package will pay off in the first month!
Unlimited Scheduled Classes (including Sparring and Technical Classes)*
Unlimited access to the “Open Training” at the Boxing Gym
* Youth Members – Access to Youth Technical and Sparring Classes
With nationally certified boxing coaches and personal trainers, you can jump into our boxing classes or book private sessions at your convenience. Take a look below at our most popular packages people get started with…
5 scheduled classes including access to women’s only classes at the High Performance Studios
Unlimited access to “Open Training” hours at the Boxing Gym for duration of the package
With the Starter Package, you can choose from any Conditioning or Technical class on the schedules. With classes suitable for men and women of all ages and fitness levels, this is the perfect package to get started at Kingsway Boxing. Once you have completed your Starter Package, you can decide which route you would like to take – jump into the ring, or continue jumping rope and exercising for fun!
Book in with boxing coach to learn the essentials of boxing, or to get the best workout of your life. If you’re looking for a workout that incorporates weights and overall fitness, our roster of coaches are also nationally certified personal trainers. Practice your skills for the duration of the package with access to our Boxing Gym Location during ‘Open Training Hours’.
Natasa Jamnik-Sousa (Blue) Vs. Samantha Krystantos (Red) in what was one of Fight To End Cancer’s most talked about fights in the 2016 Charity Boxing Gala. Photo Credit: Dayrit Photography
On average, 96,400 Canadian women will be diagnosed with cancer and 37,000 women will die from cancer. Promoting the awareness of the effects cancer has on women is a very big theme of our initiatives. Every year, the Fight To End Cancer Gala features, at least one female bout that proves to be the ‘Fight Of The Night’.
Life becomes more bearable when we possess awareness. Simply put, awareness allows us to have choices and choices deliver freedom. I feel honored to have been asked to present this incredible depiction of a woman’s struggle when faced with Breast Cancer and, what I am even more proud of is that this has been done solely in the name of awareness. What has been created is a portrayal of courage, strength and tenacity along with a representation of fearlessness and intensity that no person should ever have to endure in a lifetime.
Sadly, too many women are forced into a battle they are never ready for and, too many of them have, and continue to lose that unwanted battle. Too many families are left without their mothers, daughters, wives, sisters & friends and subsequently with a void that can never be filled.
In honor of every woman that has fought this terrible battle, my good friend has put together her impression of the struggles faced with breast cancer – or any life-threatening illness for that matter – separating them into stages. Since she is a hairstylist, she used her artistic ability to show the beauty that comes along with the battle. She has given us an amazing illustration of boldness, determination, bravery and spirit during a time where all these characteristics would otherwise seem impossible. Today, in honor of every woman that has lost the battle, we are starting a campaign of awareness and strength. A message to all women to take advantage of the preventative measures we have available to us. We are sending a message to stop waiting until the battle within has begun, to stop waiting until the only choice you have is to fight a battle you never dreamed of fighting. In honor of anyone that has lived through this terrible disease, whether personally, or at the bedside of a loved one, let us join hands and create enough awareness to end this unnecessary fight.
Victoria Pelas has created an illustration of the struggles that are endured within, when faced with the possibility of actually having to fight for your life. She has done this in 3-phases, gracefully showing us the strength and confidence that must accompany the fear and uncertainty.
The first phase is the Anticipation Phase:
The Anticipation Phase signifies a waiting period. A waiting period full of uncertainty and dread but also occupied with reflection and being. Once the waiting period has ended, we enter the Battle Phase.
The Battle Phase is undoubtedly the most difficult phase. When looking into these women’s eyes you see fear and determination at the same time. You see strength and purpose, regardless of the uncertainty they are consumed with. They are disheveled, yet put together and there is such a profound emotional contrast that comes alive through the pictures. This is a strikingly beautiful representation of the battle that goes on inside a fighter.
And finally…THE VICTORY! Here we see a combination of revival and rebirth, along with calmness and relief. Even though the battle is over, life will never be the same for the people that have had to endure the difficulties of it. The never-ending fear of the possibility of a second, or third battle will always exist within them. The memories and fear rarely become a distant memory but instead live in close proximity to those it has affected.
Our campaign of Awareness begins NOW! Let us spread the word and never stop, until every woman is aware and has choices. Interestingly enough, we recently heard of Angelina Jolie’s brave decision to not only have a double mastectomy but to have her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed. This was a very personal choice and just as she indicated herself; just because it was the right decision for her and her family, that does not make it right for everyone. However, being aware of your circumstance allows you to have choices and choices bring you freedom to decide what is best for you!
Eleni Makedonas Writer, Mom, Founder of The Chatter Boxx, HuffPost Blogger! Follow me on twitter @TheBoxxChatter
Every year the Fight To End Cancer features a new team of extraordinary men and women. From lawyers and CEO’s to Canadian Actors like 2016’s Main Event, Craig Lauzon.
Collectively with his 9 teammates, An astounding $120,000.00 was raised within their personal networks. Coupled with the night’s additional fundraising efforts at the Gala, we project over $170,000.00 will be directly donated to the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation in 2016.
In Craig’s own words:
“My #FTEC2016 journey started back in 2012 when I got to work with one of my idols, August Schellenberg or Augie as his friends called him, you may remember him as Randolph from the Free Willy franchise of films. In 1967 he dreamt of an all Aboriginal King Lear…well in 2012 he finally lived that dream and I was lucky enough to be a part of it. Playing Kent to his Lear was a dream come true for me. Just over a year later he was gone, taken by cancer.
August Werner Schellenberg (July 25, 1936 – August 15, 2013) was a Canadian- born actor and the inspiration for Fight To End Cancer’s 2016 Main Event, Craig Lauzon. (Photo: On set of the 1993 Film “Free Willy”)
As a youth, Augie had been a Golden Gloves boxer in Montreal. He was tough as nails and he loved boxing as much as he loved acting. I had heard about the Fight to End Cancer through a fellow comic, Dave Martin.
Erica McMaster, 2015 FTEC Fighter, supporting Craig Lauzon at the 2016 Official Media Day 1 week before fight night
Originally I’d been accepted as a fighter for #FTEC2015 but due to work had to drop out early on. However, my beautiful, brave and amazing partner in all things, Erica McMaster, took up the challenge and fought her heart out and raised over $11k. She was incredible and inspirational. I was fortunate enough to have her experience and support during my Fight to End Cancer journey this year.
Being an FTEC Fighter was the hardest and most fulfilling thing I’ve ever taken on…aside from being a Dad (thankfully, to this point neither of my children has punched me in the face haha). The family that I have gained- and they are family – are some of the most dedicated and big-hearted people I have ever met. I know that they will forever be a part of my life. There will never be a way to thank you, but to the over 100 donors that help me surpass my goal of $10k and Jen, Virg and TJ, I love you guys.”
2016 Fight To End Cancer Main Event, Craig Lauzon, moments before stepping into the ring on June 4, 2016 Photo Credit: Eric Tavares
While the come down after an event such as this can be huge, Lauzon has had plenty to keep him busy since June 4th, and has a lot more on the horizon. Having just wrapped filming Derek Miller’s “Guilt Free Zone” for APTN, he’ll be hunkering down to rehearse before heading to Iqaluit in late July to perform Darrell Dennis’ award winning one man show, “Tales of an Urban Indian”, and his new play “The Group” to be work shopped at Weesageechak a festival of new works with Native Earth Performing Arts. He’ll be capping off the year with another Royal Canadian Air Farce New Years Eve Special on CBC where you can catch Lauzon at what he does best, character comedy.
Behind the scenes on the set of Derek Miller’s “Guilt Free Zone” Left to Right: Darrell Dennis, Herbie Barnes, Craig Lauzon and Michaela Washburn
As for boxing and whether he’ll stick with it?
“I am hooked and will continue to train, spar and call myself a boxer. As for stepping into the ring again…undetermined but I really hate being 0-1, so I won’t say never.”
Make It Happen Media (MIH) has been a partner of the Fight To End Cancer since 2015, literally helping us to ‘Make It Happen’. Most recently, MIH helped us forge one of our newest relationship with Z103.5 as our first ever Official Radio Partners. We feel so fortunate to have Carol Cirillo, founder of MIH, and her team in our corner!
Carol Cirillo and Katherine Cott of Make It Happen Media with the 2016 Fight To End Cancer Fight Team
Some people spend their time waiting for something to happen. Others spend their time wishing for something to happen. Here, we waste no time and just make it happen. And this is exactly what we can do for you and your company. Instead of peering in from the outside trying to assess your business needs, we pride ourselves on the ability to just jump right in and get to the core of what has to be done. We become a part of your company and invest in your success.
Make it Happen Media is a one stop shop. We start at the top and provide strategic planning and media services and then work our way down deeper. We keep everything under one roof to come up with a solution to your every business need.
Carol Cirillo is the founder of Make It Happen Media. She has spent her whole career in media services, finally launching her own agency following her own strict personal guidelines and philosophies. This hybrid agency is a direct reflection of how she thinks and works. Her ability to understand a client’s needs, infused with a creative vision, build a strong foundation for a dynamic advertising and marketing plan.
5th annual Fight to End Cancer fundraising gala turned out bigger and better than anyone had expected. Featuring elegant gourmet dinner, various entertainers along with Olympic-style boxing, the event has raised over $500,000 in just 5 years, directly supporting the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. OTSN host Darriel Roy caught up with the host of the event Ben Mulroney as well as Fight to End Cancer founder Jennifer Huggins. @fightendcancer @thePMCF @OTSNmedia
“On The Scene Network” is a web series & TV Show that provides an exclusive look at some of the hottest charity and celebrity events! Our show will inspire you with thought provoking celebrity interviews, while focusing on different philanthropy efforts.
Fight To End Cancer Lead Partner, Jim Mosher of Landscape Plus, continues to fight for his community until we end cancer for good!
Featuring a new group of white-collar men and women each year, with no prior boxing experience, Fight To End Cancer’s annual black tie gala concludes months of their intense training, in true Olympic-style boxing, and hard work in achieving personal fundraising goals. Fight To End Cancer has quickly grown to become a premium fundraiser and showcases these brave individuals, as they lace up their gloves and step into our ring to help knock out cancer.
Fight To End Cancer has one core mission; to end cancer. For us, there is no other option. Our motto is simple. Defeat Is NOT An Option!
Our gala event is just one part of an ongoing fundraising effort by Fight To End Cancer. Though our Annual Boxing Gala will continue to be the “Main Event” celebration of our fundraising efforts, we are always looking to expand our Corporate and Support Teams. These teams will open the doors to allow just about any and everyone to fight with us. If you are interested in joining the fight with your company or corporation, please start by reviewing:
Canadian actor and 2016 Main Event, Craig Lauzon, stepped into the ring to literally knockout cancer!
The decision to fight for such a meaningful cause, is one that will be life changing. Whether you embark on this journey for yourself, a family member or a friend who is, or has had to fight cancer, you are truly a hero. To better understand the challenges and commitments you would be taking on, please read through the material provided below and be sure to read our News and Media.
If you are interested in becoming a “Charity Boxer” in our annual gala event please thoroughly read:
Our Fight To End Cancer support teams at the 2016 Fight To End Cancer Gala
Are you just looking to join the fight as a volunteer or official FTEC staff member? We are always looking to expand our teams with people who encompass a variety of skill-sets. Please take a moment to fill out the application below:
Left to Right: MC & Host, Ben Mulroney, Canadian Olympic Boxer, Mandy Bujold and FTEC Founder, Jennifer Huggins on the Red Carpet at the 2016 Fight To End Cancer Gala
Tuesday June 7, 2016 – TORONTO, ON – The 5th Annual Fight To End Cancer Charity Gala (FTEC) was our biggest and most successful year ever! The sold out event was hosted by CTV ETALK’s, Ben Mulroney at the historic Old Mill Inn, in Toronto’s west end. The Gala brought together some of the city’s top executives and influencers, who cheered on our 2016 Fight Team. The fighters consisted of a group of 10 brave men and women, with no prior boxing experience, who stepped into the ring in support of the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.
The evening was a bittersweet one, which happened to fall on the day when the world lost a true icon from the boxing world, Muhammad Ali. Fight To End Cancer’s 2016 Gala was dedicated to Ali, in honour of the legacy that he left behind both in and outside of the ring.
Co-Main Event’s, Samantha Krystantos, wowed the crowd and judges against her opponent, Natasa Jamnik-Sousa, from start to finish with one of the most talked about walkouts and fights of the night. Photo Credit: Nicholas Theodorou
One of the most exciting bouts of the night was showcased by the Co-Main Event (the female bout of the night’s entertainment). Presenting the awards for this bout was Canadian Olympic-bound boxer, Mandy Bujold who in her own words had this to say:
“It was an honour to present the awards to these ladies who had the courage to step into the ring and fight for this amazing cause. I take my hat off to all the the fighters who took part in this event. I will say the girls fight was one of the most entertaining bouts of the evening. These girls put it all on the line and put on a really skilled bout for the crowd.”
Five sanctioned Olympic-style boxing matches (four male bouts, one female bout) were the perfect celebration for the commitment and hard work of our 2016 fighters. After several months of both training and fundraising, all 10 of our fighters are true champions! An astounding $120,000.00 was raised within their personal networks. Coupled with the night’s additional fundraising efforts at the Gala, we project over $170,000.00 will be directly donated to the Princess Margaret in 2016!
Fight Team Head Coach, Virgil Barrow, gives Co-Main Event’s Natasa Jamnik-Sousa final instruction, as she heads into round 3 of her fight. Photo Credit: Eric Tavares
After five years of fundraising efforts, the Fight To End Cancer has successfully managed to raise well over $500,000.00, in direct donations, to the hospital’s foundation, since its inception. As a result of this, Fight To End Cancer is confident that it will reach its goal of raising $1,000,000 for the Princess Margaret by 2018.
Fight To End Cancer’s Executive Director & Founder, Jennifer Huggins, is beyond proud of the hard work and dedication shown by both the Fight Team and Planning Committee, in making 2016’s event an unbelievable success. In her own words:
“The feeling on Saturday was surreal. I wish I could bottle the energy, passion and ultimate ‘togetherness’ that could be felt. It connected every fighter, guest, staff and volunteer in the room – over 700 people, all fighting for the same cause. We have all outdone ourselves this year, yet we feel nothing but inspired to do even more. We are unstoppable. Together, we will knockout cancer in our lifetime – Defeat Is Not An Option!”
Official FTEC Recording Artist, Tristan Gomes, who closed out the 2016 Gala with the most memorable walkout for Main Event fighter, Cory Raymond. Brought to you by Z103.5 – Fight To End Cancer Official Media Partner Photo Credit: Nicholas Theodorou
With our official 2016 goal set at $200,000, the opportunity to donate to our FTEC2016 Fight Team has not passed yet! There is still time for you to make a last-minute donation to your favourite fighter, as we will be collecting donations for 2016’s event up until the end of June.
Main Event, Craig Lauzon lands a right-cross on his opponent Cory Raymond – all in the name of knocking out cancer! Photo Credit: Rebecca Freeman
Next year’s event date is currently set for Saturday May 27, 2017 and there is already strong interest from corporate executives, the community, media & celebrities to be a part of FTEC 2017! It appears as though Fight To End Cancer will be gearing up for even greater success, next year!
No one is alone in the battle against cancer and we want to spread this message worldwide. We can all take part in the Fight To End Cancer!
The entire FTEC2016 Fight Team, centre ring, for post-Gala team celebration – a perfect finale for a successful event. Photo Credit: Nicholas Theodorou
Interview Opportunities are available in studio, at boxing gym location or, via phone, email, Twitter, Facebook, with:
FTEC 2016 Fight Team participants (contacts available upon request)
Jennifer Huggins (Executive Director & Founder, Fight To End Cancer)
Virgil Barrow (FTEC Fight Team Captain, Kingsway Boxing Club)
Paul Alofs (President | CEO, The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation)
About The Fight To End Cancer
The Fight To End Cancer Gala is an annual black tie fundraiser founded in 2011 by Jennifer Huggins. We have chosen to partner with the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation due to their direct support within the community. Our goal is to raise funds for cancer research year-round with the support of the local community and business owners. Let’s make a difference now in the fight to end cancer for a long and successful future for everyone. This is an event like no other and has quickly become one of the most anticipated events in Toronto.
About The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation at University Health Network raises funds for breakthrough research, exemplary teaching and compassionate care at Princess Margaret Hospital and its research arm, the Ontario Cancer Institute, which now includes The Campbell Family Cancer Research Institute and The Campbell Family Breast Cancer Research Institute. More information about the Foundation can be found at
The 5th Annual Fight To End Cancer Charity Gala
Supporting The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
WHAT: The 5th Annual Fight To End Cancer Charity Gala, benefiting the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.
Our Las Vegas-style, pre-show entertainment will commence after a glamorous cocktail reception and gourmet dinner. This year’s Master of Ceremonies will be celebrity television personality & host of CTV’s ETALK, Ben Mulroney. The evening’s main attraction will be our 2016 fighters, who will be stepping into our boxing ring and literally fight to end cancer.
WHEN: Saturday, June 4th, 2016 | Arrival 5:00 p.m. Sharp
Reception from 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Dinner & Pre-Show Entertainment from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Fights begin at 8:00 p.m.
WHERE: THE OLD MILL INN | 21 Old Mill Road, Toronto, ON M8X 1G5
WHY: Ten courageous men and women have managed to raise over $100,000 to date in support of the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation and have been training in true Olympic-style boxing for the past six months, as they prepare to step into the ring for this important cause. Help them reach their 2016 goal of $200,000.00!
IMPORTANT NOTE TO THE GUESTS Please be sure to download all necessary event materials and register your tickets to ensure entry in case of lost tickets or special dietary needs. View Guest Materials
MORE INFO, SUPPORT OR DONATE NOW Visit: Twitter: @FightEndCancer Instagram: @FightToEndCancer Facebook:
TUNE INTO BREAKFAST TELEVISION THIS THURS. JUN 2 Catch the FTEC2016 Fight Team and Crew this Thursday, Jun 2nd from 6:00 am Live!
Spread the word!
NOTE TO THE MEDIA: This is a private event. For the full event itinerary and/or a Media Access Pass, please contact: David Kelly, PR Director at You will find a brief rundown of the Gala timings below. Please allow time to check-in at reception if you are planning to do any live-to-air segments.
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm – Reception and Red Carpet Photo Sessions
6:00 pm – 7:15 pm – Dinner and Entertainment
7:15 pm – 8:00 pm – Pre-show and Speeches
8:00 pm – 10:30 pm – Charity Boxing Bouts and Entertainment
On Saturday June 4, 2016 8 men and 2 women will be stepping into the ring to literally knockout cancer in the 5th Annual Fight To End Cancer. Take a listen to the SiriusXM Radio exclusive interview with Todd Shapiro, featuring the Fight Team Coach — Virgil Barrow, Co-Main Event matchup – Sam Krystantos and Natasa Jamnik-Sousa, and Main Event Canadian Actor Craig Lauzon.
Cory Raymond – FTEC2016 Main Event Fighter In addition to dedicating the past year of his life to stepping in the ring on June 4, 2016, Cory is working toward an ambitious personal fundraising goal of $40,000.00
We are so grateful to Priestly Demolition Inc. for their generous donation of $2500 to 2016 Fight To End Cancer Main-Event Fighter, Cory Raymond. With their support we’re even closer to our $200,000.00 2016 fight team goal!
“Ryan and the crew at Priestly Demolition are proud to sponsor Cory in raising money for a cause that has touched every one of us. It’s a hard fight for everyone involved and even though we can’t win every fight, it’s still worth fighting for. We are proud that you are doing this challenge Cory and we hope one day the fight to end cancer will win with everyone’s support.“
Priestly Demolition Inc. is one of the most versatile and innovative demolition companies in Canada. We are focused on delivering each project on time and on budget, with an inventive approach to solving a wide range of challenges across diverse projects. Combined with our extensive fleet of heavy equipment and our remarkable team of people, Priestly Demolition is committed to effective demolition with a focus on safety and environmental stewardship. More About Priestly Demolition…
Mandy Bujold is one of the top athletes in the world and has dedicated her life to both the sport of boxing and her country. Her career and success in boxing has been an inspiration to the Fight To End Cancer, since its conception. Jennifer Huggins, founder of Fight To End Cancer (FTEC), has been working closely with Mandy for years, sharing the ring with her as a referee for many of her fights. In Jennifer’s own words, she shares how Mandy’s strength and dominance in the sport of boxing has inspired her:
51kg Women’s Elite Boxing GOLD Medalist posing with Abbey after her fight in the Pan Am Games. Abbey’s Mom Dawn Ramsey-Brown fought in the 2014 Fight To End Cancer.
“Mandy has been a true ambassador of the sport, inspiring our own FTEC family and friends. Her dedication and perseverance led to achieving her ultimate dream of making it to the Olympics. She has influenced athletes around the world to achieve their dreams and to step into the ring to fight for what you believe in. After Mandy attended the Fight To End Cancer Gala in 2015, our FTEC team cheered her on ringside at the PanAm Games, in Toronto, where she won Canada Gold.”
A key component to the Fight To End Cancer Gala, is the promotion of women in boxing. Through this initiative, each year’s co-Main Event features a female bout, which always proves to be the “fight of the night”. Last year, we were honoured to have Mandy attend our Gala, as a medal presenter for our co-Main Event – featuring voice actress, Erica McMaster and Paige Cunningham, from the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.
Qualified for the Rio 2016 Olympic games and working tirelessly to achieve her dreams, Mandy has a lot to fight for. Though she has her hands full with 4-6 hour training days, Mandy still finds the time to join us in the Fight To End Cancer.
“Cancer has affected some of the most important people in my life and it’s a disease that affects many people on a daily basis. I lost my grandfather to cancer when I was young and seeing what he went through, truly affected me. To have the opportunity to “fight” cancer through Fight to End Cancer and the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation is my way of fighting for those family members and friends I’ve lost to cancer.”
We are so proud to have Mandy representing Canada at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio and we are honoured to have her as an ambassador of the Fight To End Cancer.
Mandy Bujold (born July 25, 1987) is a Canadian amateur boxer, whose career was launched following a successful 2006 when she claimed the Canadian National Championship and Boxer of the Year titles. Weighing in at 51 kg (112 lbs.), she has made her way as a Fly Weight Champion, with a trail of titles and victories following her. Included amongst her many achievements are: 9 Canadian National Championships, 3 Continental Championships, a Gold medal at the first Pan-American Games and a Bronze medal at the first Commonwealth Games that included women’s boxing. Most recently during the Toronto 2015 Pan-American Games, Mandy successfully defended her title and became the only female boxer in history to win two Pan American Games titles.
Mandy’s dedication and discipline have made her a great competitor and ambassador for the sport. She was an ambassador for the Pan-American Games 2015 (Toronto, Canada) and now earned her ticket to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; where she will be fighting for GOLD at the 2016 Summer Olympic Games.
In 2013, Robert Galarneau (President of RG Speed Control Devices), was introduced to the Fight To End Cancer (FTEC). Since then, he and his team have been supporting FTEC year-over-year, not only as an Official Partner, but also helping to raise funds year round.
In their own words:
“RG Speed Control Devices is a proud supporter in the Fight To End Cancer.
Through our partnership with FTEC and community organizations, we are going to go the distance to knock out this horrific disease.
Down and Out!!
Down For the Count!!
Join us, add to the purse and weigh-in against cancer.”
Each year, Tip Top Tailors has outdone themselves by conceptualizing the most elegant looks for our official Fight To End Cancer promotional campaigns. With Vogue-quality styling, the team at Tip Top Tailors has consistently managed to visually capture the elegance of a black tie fundraiser, while simultaneously maintaining the tough and passionate nature of what our FTEC Fight Team stands for. We are proud to have this amazing company stand in our corner. In their own words:
“This coming June 4, Tip Top Tailors will embrace a cause we are so very proud to support, for the third year in a row—the Fight To End Cancer Charity Gala benefiting the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.
Many of us have been affected by cancer in some way—a friend, a family member, a colleague, or a neighbour may even be struggling with cancer right now.
Tip Top Tailors has a rich heritage of serving Canadians for more than 100 years, and one of our greatest strengths is our incredible team of progressive, loyal and committed people. Our associates across the country have always rallied tirelessly around our fundraising efforts, with ‘Movember’ being our most recent initiative. Our involvement helps create a brighter future for our families, our friends and our communities.
As an Event Sponsor, we look forward to many more years of triumphs and success stories in our continuing support of the Fight To End Cancer—a battle we can all win together.”
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At Tip Top Tailors we will do what is necessary to guarantee customer satisfaction. All we ask is that you keep your sales receipt to assist us in our administrative tasks. Visit Tip Top Tailors
Canadian Actor: Craig Lauzon Craig is the 2016 Main Event in the charity boxing gala Fight To End Cancer
The 2016 Fight To End Cancer(FTEC)is made up of 10 fighters, an army of support staff, volunteers and a family bound together with one common goal; ending cancer. In five short years, we have assembled a team of 52 fighters, thousands of staff, sponsors and guests. With every passing day, we are reminded that our FTEC family is made up of true champions. From the fighters who dedicate a year of their lives to stepping in the ring, to the small businesses and artists, like painter Linda Bradbeer, who donates personal items to help us raise funds at our gala.
Linda, an established artist from Toronto, felt the need to do more to help her friend Craig Lauzon, who is fighting in our 2016 FTEC Charity Boxing Gala. After donating to his personal page, she felt compelled to express her support in the best way she knew how. Read her words below to learn about the love that went into the painting Life Of The Party that will be available at the 2016 Fight To End Cancer Gala.
We are all a part of the fight to end cancer and we feel so fortunate to have such a strong team to fight with us!
“My partner is comedienne Martha Chaves and we have Craig Lauzon in our comedy family. A few weeks ago, Martha and Craig worked together on a gala show in the Winnipeg Comedy Festival. I was watching backstage with Craig’s partner Erica McMaster. She told me that Craig was going to participate in “The Fight to End Cancer” this year so I asked if I could help too. She also told me what a powerful effect it had on her when she participated in 2015. I made a financial donation to his page but wanted to do more. That is when I asked if I could donate of my paintings. Erica put me in touch with Betty Ann and here I am!
I have lost family, friends, and even pets to cancer. Almost 4 years ago, I lost my childhood best-friend Kathy to a very rare ovarian cancer. Sadly she was diagnosed with cancer about 20 years earlier and had a very difficult journey over the next two decades. Yet Kathy was always smiling and had an incredible sense of living life to the fullest. She inspired everyone who met her. I was lucky in that I knew her for 45 years. To me, she was the life of the party, so I named my painting after Kathy. I am donating “Life of the Party” – 12″x12″, acrylics.
I work in an office by day and paint at night. I started creating abstract paintings about 8 years ago.”
Life Of The Party Painting by: Linda Bradbeer Donated as a silent auction item to the 2016 FTEC Gala. Linda named the painting after her friend Kathy. To Linda, she was the life of the party, so she named my painting after Kathy.
Cory Raymond – FTEC2016 Main Event Fighter In addition to dedicating the past year of his life to stepping in the ring on June 4, 2016, Cory is working toward an ambitious personal fundraising goal of $40,000.00
We are so grateful to York Marble, Tile and Terrazzo Inc. for their generous donation of $5000.00 to 2016 Fight To End Cancer Main-Event Fighter, Cory Raymond. With their support we’re even closer to our $200,000.00 2016 fight team goal!
“Glen and I are honoured to be part of such an amazing event. Over the years, we have seen friends and family members affected by this terrible disease. Some have beaten it, others have not. We want to make a difference for future generations!
Cory, we are truly proud of what you are doing. And Jennifer, thank you for all your hard work in organizing this spectacle to raise awareness. Together we will WIN THE FIGHT!”
York Marble, Tile and Terrazzo Inc. was founded in 1949. The company has thrived for more than half a century, and today is one of Canada’s leading names in the hard surface industry. In the 1950’s, the young company laid the terrazzo floors in many of Toronto’s original subway stations.
Today, York Marble’s work can be seen in some of Ontario’s finest architectural landmarks, including The Trump Tower in Toronto, The Four Seasons Hotel, Fallsview Casino, Terminal 1 at Pearson International Airport and the Toronto Eaton Centre. Whether it’s a modern skyscraper or a kitchen counter, York Marble brings a long tradition of craftsmanship to every project we do.
It is with great pleasure that Fight To End Cancer (FTEC) announces Toronto Top 40 Radio Station, Z103.5, will be jumping on board to be our first-ever Media Partner!
This is an amazing partnership opportunity for FTEC that will certainly help to get us some great exposure, by spreading the word of who we are and what we do, to even more people across the GTA.
Be sure to keep your eyes (and especially ears) open for what is going to be a year-long relationship between FTEC and Z103.5. You will want to tune in for regular on-air mentions of our upcoming Gala on Saturday June 4th, some custom advertisements, an exciting contest in the month of May (details to come at a later date) and some other surprises, yet to be announced.
We can not thank our friends over at Z103.5 enough for this incredibly generous sponsorship. We look forward to working with you, over the upcoming year!
Stay tuned in to Z103.5 to listen to all the latest and greatest hits. You can also visit their website, and listen in while at work, or from the comfort of your own home.
Z103.5 is a part of the Evanov Radio Group.
THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 — TORONTO, ON – The Fight To End Cancer (FTEC) is proud to announce its official 2016 Fight Team, benefiting the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. After months of training in sanctioned, Olympic-style boxing; this group of 10 white-collar men and women, with no previous boxing experience, will be stepping into our ring for the 5th Annual Fight To End Cancer Charity Gala on Saturday, June 4, 2016, hosted by Ben Mulroney at Toronto’s historic Old Mill Inn.
In addition to a regimented training schedule, three days per week, our fighters are also working hard to raise donation dollars for their team’s overall goal of $200,000. This team is made up of a group of extremely special people, including: Aboriginal Canadian Actor – Craig Lauzon of the CBC’sRoyal Canadian Air Farce and Sam Krystantos, who will be fighting in support of Sarah Watkin’s family of Sarah’s Drive For Hope (and who’s also following in the footsteps of her father, Mitch Krystantos – FTEC 2014 fighter).
Another key figure on our team is Jennifer Huggins, FTEC’s Founder & Executive Director. Jennifer works hard to keep the campaign on track, as she travels the world as an AIBA International 3-Star Boxing Referee. Following a recent trip for the African Olympic Qualifiers, in Cameroon, Africa; her latest assignment will take her to Astana, Kazakhstan, for the Women’s World Championships, at the end of May. This tournament will bring together top female boxers from around the world that will be competing for placement in the Rio 2016 Olympics. Recently, Jennifer has been announced, by AIBA, as one of only eight ambassadors internationally whom will be representing women’s boxing, in Astana.
In combination with her network in Canada and around the world, Jennifer has been overwhelmed by the support that has been shown for the Fight To End Cancer. In her own words:
“Fighting cancer was a personal decision I made over five years ago. It touches me beyond words to have built this vision that others are willing to literally fight for. We have had over 50 fighters since our first year in 2011, along with hundreds of sponsors, countless volunteers and thousands of guests. Through this constant support, our mission to ‘knock out cancer in our lifetime’ will become a reality.”
With each passing year, the Fight To End Cancer is increasingly approached by many who have been touched by cancer and want to step into our ring to fight for such an important cause. Together, we will knock out cancer. Defeat is not an option!
Interview Opportunities:
Interview Opportunities available via phone, or email with:
Jennifer Huggins (Executive Director and Founder, Fight To End Cancer)
FTEC 2016 Fight Team members (contacts available upon request)
Campaign Photo Description:
The individuals in the campaign photo represent the 2016 fight team.
From left to right:
Top Row: Cory Raymond and Craig Lauzon (Main Event)
Middle Row: Jennifer Huggins (Executive Director/Founder), Samantha Krystantos, Andreas Wulff, Jason McGuire, Natasa Jamnik Sousa
Bottom Row: Virgil Barrow (Official Fight Team Coach), Kael Cruz, Vignesh Jayakrishnan, Jeff MacWilliams, Kyle Barlow
Media Inquiries:
David Kelly
Public Relations Director, Fight To End Cancer
Donations to our 2016 Fight Team can be made at: Photos available upon request.
About The Fight To End Cancer
The Fight To End Cancer is an annual black tie fundraiser founded in 2011. We have chosen to partner with the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation due to their direct support within the community. Our goal is to raise funds for cancer research year-round with the support of business leaders and the local community. Join us for the highly anticipated 5th Annual Fight To End Cancer Gala – Saturday, June 4th 2016.
About The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation at University Health Network raises funds for breakthrough research, exemplary teaching and compassionate care at Princess Margaret Hospital and its research arm, the Ontario Cancer Institute, which now includes The Campbell Family Cancer Research Institute and The Campbell Family Breast Cancer Research Institute. More information about the Foundation can be found at
Jennifer Huggins Named As One Of 8 International Ambassadors Of The Women’s World Championships In Kazakhstan
Jennifer Huggins, Fight To End Cancer’s Founder & Executive Director, has been announced today as one of the 8 Ambassadors of the International Boxing Association’s (AIBA) Women’s World Championships, which will be taking place in Astana, Kazakhstan; from May 19 – 27, 2016.
This is an extremely prestigious opportunity for Jennifer and we here at Fight To End Cancer are very proud of her for this incredible accomplishment.
In Jennifer’s own words, she describes what this opportunity means for her:
“I am grateful and overjoyed at all of the opportunities I have been presented with AIBA. I am honored to be part of the ambassadors program, to represent AIBA R&Js and to contribute to the promotion of women in boxing.”
Congratulations Jennifer! We look forward to following you on this exciting journey and seeing all of the great experiences that you are sure to have!
AIBA announces women ambassadors for 2016 Women’s World Championships in Kazakhstan
April 14, 2016
AIBA is proud to announce its women boxers and R&J ambassadors for the eagerly anticipated event, the 2016 Women’s World Championships in Astana, Kazakhstan.
From 19-27 May, the Kazakhstan capital of Astana will host more than 300 of the world’s top female boxers for another thrilling edition of the AIBA Women’s World Championships. With ten gold medals at stake, this year’s tournament also has twelve Rio 2016 quota places available and offers one last glimpse at who could become Olympic legends.
AIBA has appointed eight ambassadors for the event, influential figures from inside the ring who embody the spirit of our sport. Representing the boxers are Nicola Adams of Great Britain, Team USA’s light flyweight Marlen Esparza, MC Mary Kom of India, Adriana Arauja from host country of this year’s Olympic Games Brazil, Bulgaria’s Stanimira Petrova and Morocco’s Khadija Mardi, while the female officials are Algerian Kheira Siki Yakoub and Canada’s Jennifer Huggins.
MC Mary Kom’s remarkable journey to winning five world flyweight titles has been the subject of a major biopic film, and Marlen Esparza had a CNN documentary filmed about her rise to becoming an Olympic bronze medallist in London. With Nicola Adams receiving an honorary degree from Leeds University, it is clear that the ambassadors have been selected for more than just their abilities in the ring, but for their position as positive role models for aspiring boxers and women in general.
“The World Championships are the perfect showcase for our sport and the tournament has scaled massively with the field getting stronger at every edition. AIBA is really pushing the women’s side of boxing and it fills me with great pride to be an ambassador for this year’s competition. I’m going into the competition fully focussed on winning Gold, which would be an incredible achievement and ideal preparation for Rio,” said flyweight Nicola Adams.
Stanimira Petrova became the first female world champion from Bulgaria in Jeju in 2014. The Bulgarian flyweight boxer reached world class level very quickly and demonstrated she is one to watch in the coming years. Brazilian Adriana Araujo, who won the bronze medal in London 2012 is one of the best Olympic 2016 host country women’s representative and the lightweight boxer will have all the support of her home crowd for the August competition.
North African middleweight boxer Khadija Mardi, along with AIBA’s first five star female R&J Kheira Siki Yakoub, have given the Arab world two superb female icons in boxing and between them have been responsible for a huge surge in popularity of women’s boxing in the region, and Jennifer Huggins’ endless enthusiasm for the sport she loves and associated charity work makes her a hugely valuable member of the team.
“I am grateful and overjoyed at all of the opportunities I have been presented with AIBA. I am honored to be part of the ambassadors program, to represent AIBA R&Js and to contribute to the promotion of women in boxing”, said Jennifer Huggins.