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The Ontario Government announcement of “Step 3” in Toronto directly affects ALL Kingsway Boxing Members and Programs. Note that all indoor, outdoor and virtual programming has resumed.
✅ STEP 1: Review Boxing Ontario ‘Return To Training’ and Kingsway Boxing COVID Protocols and Procedures:
🚫 Not Feeling 100% — What Next? Read Protocols
✅ Client Arrival Protocols: View Protocols
✅ Kingsway Boxing ‘Return To Safe Sport Protocol’: View Document (note that restrictions may vary based on Boxing Ontario status)
- Boxing Ontario Vaccine Info
- KBC Face Mask Policy | View Face Mask By-Law (July 7. 2020)
- Review Boxing Ontario Protocol Updates: View Protocol Update Page
- View Phase 3 – Boxing Ontario Protocols (Social Circles)
✅ STEP 2: (MANDATORY PHASE 1 & 2) Register For Boxing Ontario Recreational Licence ($25.00 Annually):
This Licence ensures the member is covered under the Kingsway Boxing Club & Boxing Ontario insurance.*
*Competitive Boxers holding their Boxing Ontario Competitive Licence do not require the Recreational Licence. More Info: Competitive Licensing
Licensing Note: By purchasing the Boxing Ontario licence through the link above you are agreeing to KBC Waiver, Terms & Conditions.
✅ STEP 3: Book In For Classes or Appointments
Existing Members – Account Login: Reset Password if you’ve never accessed your account before. Clients and Members will be required to activate their accounts to access Kingsway Boxing Online Schedules to pre-register for classes – Please turn on your email notifications and read your reservation emails for any updates to our policies.
New Clients – Register for KBC Account Now

Check out our top 3 options for newcomers, including:
🥊 1 Week of Unlimited Virtual Classes
🥊 5-Class Starter Package
🥊 3 TKO Private Training Package
📝 IMPORTANT NOTE: We appreciate your patience with the above setup instructions. If you have any difficulty setting up or accessing your account, please contact Jennifer Huggins directly: Email Now
The Kingsway Boxing Club facility cleaning protocols have been updated to include professional antiviral and antibacterial (Sanitrol) cleaning products to be used when giving the gym a deep clean each day and in between use of all equipment. All Team KBC Coaches and Trainers have undergone Boxing Ontario Safety Protocol Training and we will continue to ensure training focused on procedures and protocols to continually enhance your safety.

The Kingsway Boxing Family has been back to training since June. As we build routines, return to work and kids go back to school, it’s important to continue keeping our community safe! Please be aware of any possible symptoms and contact us if you’re unsure.
Our staff, trainers and coaches will be following strict protocols limiting contact and ensuring the safety of our clients. In addition to cleaning in between clients and classes, a deep clean and sanitization of all locations are conducted at the beginning and end of each day.
Thank you for your support!
- Latest Update: Apr. 11 2022: Spring/Summer Updates
- Latest Update Jan. 24, 2022: Step 2 Protocols
- Latest Update Jan. 3 2022: Step 2 Protocols
- Latest Update Dec. 13 2021: Return To 2022
- Latest Update Jul. 8, 2021: Step 2 Protocols
- Latest Update Jul. 5, 2021
- Update Jun. 8 2021
- Update: Mar. 26 2021
COVID-19 Update
Jan. 1, 2021
All programs will be shifting to a virtual format effective immediately. Your coach will be in direct contact with private training clients, group programs and specialty enrolments to confirm access and logistics.
- Make contact with your coach if you have not yet.
- Check schedules as we are offering an array of virtual boxing and conditioning classes: Schedules
- Note the following steps that MUST be taken Before your next visit: KBC COVID PROTOCOLS
Thank you so much for your patience and support as we navigate the ever changing legislation and situation. Please don’t hesitate to contact me back directly with any questions or concerns.
Sending you all love and appreciation. Stay safe, stay healthy and stay strong.
In The Meantime, Keep Your Hands Up… And Clean!
Jen, Virg and Team Kingsway Boxing
View Class Schedules | Book Private Training
COVID-19 Update
November 22, 2020
Dear Kingsway Boxing Family,
We’re contacting you directly today to clarify the next steps following the announcement of the “Grey Zone” in Toronto and Peel Region.
Grey Zone protocols directly affect ALL Kingsway Boxing Members and Programs. At this time, we will remain accessible for virtual training only until further notice. Read Official Boxing Ontario Statement
COVID-19 Update
October 11, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving Kingsway Boxing Family,
I’m contacting you directly today to clarify next steps following the announcement of the “Modified Phase 2” in Toronto, Ottawa and Peel Region.
This announcement directly affects ALL Kingsway Boxing Members and Programs, however as a Licenced Club of Boxing Ontario, we WILL remain open until further notice. Read Official Boxing Ontario Statement
Please note the following steps that MUST be taken Before your next visit:
STEP 1 – Register For Boxing Ontario Recreational Licence ($25.00 Annually): (MANDATORY PHASE 1 & 2) – This Licence will allow access to our facilities throughout Phase 2 and ensures the member is covered under the Kingsway Boxing Club & Boxing Ontario insurance.
Important Note: 2020 licences are valid until Dec. 31 2020. Competitive Boxers holding their Boxing Ontario Competitive Licence do not require the Recreational Licence.
- Part A: REGISTER NOW – ALL Returning clients require this licence. *Note that Competitive Boxers holding their Boxing Ontario Competitive Licence do not require the Recreational Licence. This Licence ensures the member is covered under the Kingsway Boxing Club insurance.
- Part B: COMPLETE FORM (attached) – Please complete the form and send to jennifer@kingswayboxingclub.com (use CamScanner for smartphones)
STEP 2 – Complete KBC Screening Tool BEFORE Every Visit: Complete Now & Save Link For Easy Access
Thank you again for your support and patience as we navigate this new normal with you all!
In The Meantime, Keep Your Hands Up… AND CLEAN!
Jen, Virg and Team Kingsway Boxing
COVID-19 Update
Sept 25, 2020
Dear Kingsway Boxing Family,
We hope the members of Kingsway Boxing and our community are staying safe throughout these challenging times. Since re-opening our locations in June, we’ve successfully implemented KBC COVID Protocols that have helped to keep our community active and safe. With the announcement of a second wave in Canada and a spike in numbers provincially, we would like to ensure you have the resources necessary to continue keeping yourself and others safe. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you so much for your ongoing support and positivity!
Please Thoroughly Review: Important Update: Second Wave Impact
View Class Schedules | Book Private Training
Thank you again for your support and patience as we navigate this new normal with you all!
In The Meantime, Keep Your Hands Up… AND CLEAN!
Jen, Virg and Team Kingsway Boxing
COVID-19 Update
August 30, 2020
Dear Kingsway Boxing Family,
I hope you’re enjoying Summer and are ready for Fall! While the world continues to challenge us all, I’m inspired to see how resilient and supportive our community has been. We’ve been busy at both of our Kingsway Boxing locations implementing safety protocols and physically distanced programs to keep our members and community safe and active.
Please note that our Fall Programs are nearly FULL, this is the last week to register for our Specialty High Performance Programs including:
- Muay Thai bought to you by World Champion: Jacqueline Walters
- Hatha Yoga with Patricia Else
- Fusion-Fit by Colleen Layug
- Power4Teens and many other programs brought to you by the top trainers and coaches in the industry.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly for support navigating our registration or and questions about our protocols
We are all in this together. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and will follow guidance from Ontario Public Health officials and Boxing Ontario’s COVID Taskforce, so we can continue to support our members and community.
Please Thoroughly Review: KBC COVID Protocols & Procedures
View Class Schedules | Book Private Training
Thank you again for your support and patience as we navigate this new normal with you all!
In The Meantime, Keep Your Hands Up… AND CLEAN!
Jen, Virg and Team Kingsway Boxing
COVID-19 Update
August 4, 2020
Dear Kingsway Boxing Family,
Thanks to ongoing community support, we launched our soft opening of both locations in June. Read Testimonials
Currently, we offer physically distanced private and small group training under Boxing Ontario COVID Taskforce and Ontario Government safety and sanitization protocols (see protocols below). As we continue the process of safely returning to training, Kingsway Boxing will continue offering virtual classes for those not returning immediately.
Please see below for the specialty seasonal enrolments now open for registration. Note that we will continue to add new classes and enrolments, however if you are having difficulty finding a class to accommodate your schedule, we are offering private training from 5am – 10 pm daily.
View Class Schedules | Book Private Training
Thank you again for your support and patience as we navigate this new normal with you all!
In The Meantime, Keep Your Hands Up… AND CLEAN!
Jen, Virg and Team Kingsway Boxing
COVID-19 Update
June 23, 2020
Dear Kingsway Boxing Family,
Thank you for supporting us through these challenging times. We are proud to inform you, that alongside the Boxing Ontario COVID Taskforce and Ontario Government, Kingsway Boxing Club Locations have been approved to reopen.
As we continue the process of safely returning to training, Kingsway Boxing Club will continue offering virtual classes for those not returning immediately. We launched the soft opening of our locations on Monday June 15, welcoming back private and small group training under strict safety and sanitization protocols (see information below).
The Kingsway Boxing Club facility cleaning protocols have been updated to include professional antiviral and antibacterial (Sanitrol) cleaning products to be used when giving the gym a deep clean each day and in between use of all equipment. All Team KBC Coaches and Trainers have undergone Boxing Ontario Safety Protocol Training and we will continue to ensure training focused on procedures and protocols to continually enhance your safety.
Thank you again for your support and patience as we navigate this new normal with you all!
In The Meantime, Keep Your Hands Up… AND CLEAN!
Jen, Virg and Team Kingsway Boxing
COVID-19 Update
March 29, 2020
Dear Team Kingsway Boxing Family,
We hope you’re all staying safe, healthy and we miss seeing everyone in training!
To give you an update, throughout this lockdown, Virgil and I have been working hard to prepare our facilities for when the doors reopen.
We want to thank our KBC Family who have continued their memberships throughout the pandemic. This kept us motivated and enabled us to take the next step. In order to adapt to the situation and provide some essential work for our coaches, we are now offering Virtual Classes and Personal Training! We are offering a range of class packages available to clients worldwide.
Active Monthly Members Will Have Unlimited Access To Online Classes
We recognize that these are difficult times for everyone and these programs will allow our small, team to provide our clients and members with a physical and mental outlet.
Continue to support and train alongside Team KBC
View options and register using link below. We are currently offering a variety of classes everyday and will be working to add new classes as the weeks progress. This is a very new process for all of us, so please be sure to keep in contact with any questions or concerns that may arise.
Thank you so much for your dedication and support to the Kingsway Boxing Club Family!
Best Regards,
Jennifer Huggins
Kingsway Boxing Club
E. info@kingswayboxingclub.com
T. +1 (416) 234-0075
Click here to share your journey with Kingsway Boxing Club.
COVID-19, also known as novel coronavirus, is a serious public health concern. Businesses and communities will be at the forefront dealing with a multitude of COVID-19-related issues, which could cause severe business disruptions. Businesses are advised to prepare contingency plans to manage the COVID-19 novel coronavirus in North America and around the world.
COVID-19: Reputable Sources of Information
COVID-19 Update
March 16, 2020
Dear Team Kingsway Boxing Trainers Members and Clients,
On March 11, the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) a global pandemic, and we all need to make decisions that best support our health and the health of those around us. As COVID-19 continues to have an impact in Canada and around the world, we wanted to share information about Kingsway Boxing Club’s efforts to ensure your health and safety, as well as our commitment to the community.
As the virus continues to spread in communities across Canada, and with Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer raising the public risk to ‘serious,’ we are seeing the need for increasingly bold action to reduce the transmission.
I am writing to you to personally inform you that we have made the difficult but important decision to close all Kingsway Boxing Club locations, effective immediately.
Our purpose has always been to invest in the community and provide the opportunity to live a healthy life. There is no moment in our history where that purpose is more important than today. Like other businesses across the country, we are closing our doors to further limit the spread of this virus and to protect the most vulnerable in our community. We know it is the right thing to do.
Special Notes:
- Pre-Paid Sessions and program packages may be rescheduled. In the event the program is cancelled a credit will be applied to the clients account to be used within one year of purchase.
- If it’s at all financially feasible for those with a Monthly Membership, we humbly ask that you consider continuing the monthly charge and practice remotely with us by way of our at home workouts available under Client Resources. Please consider this a gesture of support in keeping Kingsway Boxing Club afloat during this challenge. Just as importantly, all our teachers are independent contractors, and it remains unclear at this time whether they will be at all eligible for the financial support programs being loosely proposed by the federal government at this time.
- If continuing your membership is not possible, please email jennifer@kingswayboxingclub.com to request your charges be suspended for the period for in which we’re closed.
- We ask that if/when it comes time to suspend and restart, please exercise patience and understanding while we manage the undertaking of manually adjusting each individual pass and Membership to bring your account up to date.
We have been referred to a dedicated COVID-19 Resource Centre (see below) that provides information about the various implications of COVID-19 on businesses and their workforces, as well as key contacts should you have specific questions.
Thank you for your support! We look forward to reopening our doors as soon as possible and welcoming you back to Kingsway Boxing as soon as possible.
In The Meantime, Keep Your Hands Up, and take care of yourself and each other.
Best Regards,
Jennifer Huggins
Kingsway Boxing Club
E. info@kingswayboxingclub.com
T. +1 (416) 234-0075
Visit Jennifer on LinkedIn
Click here to share your journey with Kingsway Boxing Club.
COVID-19 Update
March 14, 2020
Dear Team Kingsway Boxing Trainers Members and Clients,
On March 11, the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) a global pandemic, and we all need to make decisions that best support our health and the health of those around us. As COVID-19 continues to have an impact in Canada and around the world, we wanted to share information about Kingsway Boxing Club’s preparedness efforts to ensure your health and safety, as well as our continued service.
From the onset of COVID-19, Kingsway Boxing will take ongoing advise from our sanctioning bodies (Boxing Ontario and Boxing Canada) who are meeting on a daily basis to proactively monitor developments in Canada and abroad, implement best practices and provide regular updates to our trainers and clients.
All locations currently remain open for business with safety protocols put in place (see below)
Programs that are already in session will continue at this time:
- [Drop-In Classes] All classes at all locations will be operational with increased safety protocols
- [Private Training] Our trainers are still available for one on one sessions. This is a good option if you would like to stay away from group settings.
- [TRILOGY PHYSIOTHERAPY] All locations will be operational with increased safety protocols. Our therapy team is taking all necessary precautions including infection control practices, extra sanitization efforts, and additional screening precautions to actively identify anyone who may be at risk. Team members receive regular updates on the latest medical recommendations related to the outbreak.
- [SPRING 2020] Muscle Run
- [SPRING 2020] Fusion-Fit For Women
- [SPRING 2020] Warrior Women Fit (Delayed – Starts Mar. 28)
- [SPRING 2020-MON] HIIT Conditioning Program
- [SPRING 2020-THUR] HIIT Conditioning Program
- [WINTER 2020] Slow flow Hatha Yoga with Patricia
- [WINTER 2020] Kids 7+, Co-Ed and Girl Teen Boxing
Seasonal and High Performance Programs listed below will be postponed until we have a clear understanding of the situation:
- [SPRING 2020] Kids 7+, Co-Ed Teen and Girl Teen Boxing Programs
- [SPRING 2020] Fighting Fit For Guys
- [SPRING 2020] Power4Teens Conditioning Program
- [SPRING 2020] Slow flow Hatha Yoga
- Pre-Paid Sessions and program packages may be rescheduled. In the event the program is cancelled a credit will be applied to the clients account to be used within one year of purchase.
- We are fully prepared to implement our Business Continuity Plan to ensure uninterrupted service to our clients should the outbreak require a temporary closure and remote training.
We have been referred to a dedicated COVID-19 Resource Centre that provides information about the various implications of COVID-19 on businesses and their workforces, as well as key contacts should you have specific questions.
Please find below the changes to equipment use and protocols we are putting in place to ensure that we train together safely. This applies to all adult and youth classes including private training:
- If you’re sick, stay home! If you have cold or flu-like symptoms, please stay home. If you cough or sneeze at class please do so into your elbow or a tissue, and wash hands straight away.
- Communal gloves will no longer be available. We ask you bring your own gloves or purchase gloves from the gym.
- We ask that every person train with a towel
- Throughout the class you will need to clean all equipment you come in contact with using the sterilization solution provided.
- We are trying to source hand sanitizer to put out for use before and after class, it’s hard to get the moment, so please bring your own if you have some.
- Our trainers will be regularly wiping down equipment with sanitizer spray as a precaution.
- We ask if you have returned from overseas that you follow the World Health Organization advice and get tested for COVID-19 virus when applicable.
TEAMWORK: When class is finished, all participants and trainers will be asked to wipe down any visible surface with the sterilization solution provided. If we work together to keep Kingsway clean, we will continue to work through this difficult time together.
We have increased our cleaning to nightly for any common surfaces at both location. I hope this provides you confidence in the actions we are taking to safeguard our people, our clients and our communities.
Remember the best way to keep your immune system strong is to eat healthy, drink lots of water, stay active and reduce stress. Use your best judgement. Though we are trying to provide a safe outlet during this difficult time, we want you to feel comfortable with your decisions.
We can’t compromise on the above and we apologize in advance but we need to be 100% committed to our standards.
Thanks for your support! See you at Kingsway Boxing soon.
In The Meantime, Keep Your Hands Up!
Best Regards,
Jennifer Huggins
Kingsway Boxing Club
E. info@kingswayboxingclub.com
T. +1 (416) 234-0075
Visit Jennifer on LinkedIn
Click here to share your journey with Kingsway Boxing Club.
COVID-19 Update
March 12, 2020
Dear Team Kingsway Boxing Trainers Members and Clients,
Yesterday, the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) a global pandemic, and we all need to make decisions that best support our health and the health of those around us. As COVID-19 continues to have an impact in Canada and around the world, we wanted to share information about Kingsway Boxing Club’s preparedness efforts to ensure your health and safety, as well as our continued service.
From the onset of COVID-19, Kingsway Boxing will take ongoing advise from our sanctioning bodies (Boxing Ontario and Boxing Canada) who are meeting on a daily basis to proactively monitor developments in Canada and abroad, implement best practices and provide regular updates to our trainers and clients.
All locations currently remain open for business. We are fully prepared to implement our Business Continuity Plan to ensure uninterrupted service to our clients should the outbreak require a temporary closure and remote training.
We have been referred to a dedicated COVID-19 Resource Centre that provides information about the various implications of COVID-19 on businesses and their workforces, as well as key contacts should you have specific questions.
We also want to provide our trainers, clients and membership with simple steps to helping lower the risk of spreading the virus. For those that will be in large group settings and in close proximity to others, please follow these simple, but helpful instructions.
1. If sick, please stay home
2. Please have clients bring their own towels and use disinfectant sprays to clean all surfaces in which they touch or sweat on (including weights, bags/equipment and floor surfaces)
3. Take temperature daily
4. If you have a fever, cough, or breathing disturbance stay home
5. Wash hands prior to placement of gloves
6. Purchase individual equipment (this can be done at the gym)
7. Be aware to maintain 3 feet distance from other athletes or participants
8. Avoid shaking hands, and try not to touch the face, eyes, or nose
9. Cover mouth if coughing with tissue, or elbow area
10. Wash hands with warm soapy water for 20 seconds before and after training
11. Wipe down boxing and other equipment and gym with disinfectant cleaners more than usual
12. Follow good personal hygiene after every boxing practice or competition, including showering with soap and water and washing uniforms after use
We have increased our cleaning to nightly for any common surfaces at both location. I hope this provides you confidence in the actions we are taking to safeguard our people, our clients and our communities.
In The Meantime, Keep Your Hands Up! 👊
Best Regards,
Jennifer Huggins
Kingsway Boxing Club
E. info@kingswayboxingclub.com
T. +1 (416) 234-0075
Visit Jennifer on LinkedIn
Click here to share your journey with Kingsway Boxing Club.
- Pre-Scheduled Small-Group Classes: We will be offering pre-scheduled small group classes at both locations.
- Private, Semi-Private, and Group Training: Both locations will be available to book for private and group training with your coach or trainer. Many clients are working with their trainers on a virtual platform, which will continue to be an option.
- Membership Options: Currently we are not initiating NEW Monthly Memberships due to space restrictions. We are honouring existing Monthly Members with access to one (1) group class weekly with unlimited access to Virtual classes. View All Schedules
- Fight Team Only Open Training Hours: Members will be able to book in at predetermined times to use the gym independent of the classes.
- If you are not feeling 100% – please STAY HOME. Kingsway Boxing Club will ensure that Members and Staff are not feeling sick or have any symptoms (runny nose, cough, watering eyes) with a pre-visit screening. — View Next Step Protocols In Case Of Illness
- Must Advance Register. All training conducted at Kingsway Boxing Club locations will require advance registration. To implement contact tracing, all persons to enter the Kingsway Boxing Club locations, who do not have a prescheduled appointment, must sign in with the list provided.
- Class Sizes Reduced. New gym capacity and class size guidelines strictly following COVID-19 protocol.
- Arrive On Time, But Not More Than 5 Mins Early. Clients will arrive on time, but not too early. Please show up no earlier than 5 minutes before class and exit the gym immediately following the class or session (staff require time to sanitize between sessions)
- Wear your Mask To Enter And Exit. Clients must wear face coverings to enter and exit all Kingsway Boxing Club Locations. During physical exertion, it is allowed and recommended that all face coverings are removed.
- Registered Massage Patients: Must wear masks throughout duration of massage therapy session.
- No Spectators. Kingsway Boxing Club will require drop-off and pickup only. Due to social distancing procedures, we will not have a place for spectators or parents (special arrangements can be discussed if necessary)
- Bring Your Own Equipment. Kingsway Boxing Club will provide new equipment for purchase and ensure that members are informed that shared equipment will not be provided by Kingsway Boxing Club. The list includes but is not limited to: boxing gloves, hand wraps, water bottles and floor mats. Staff and clients must take home all personal equipment to ensure proper cleaning of personal items.
- Keep Your Physical Distance. Social distance floor markers of 6ft will be used to maintain adequate gym spacing protocols. Each Member is spaced 2 meters apart on designated heavy bags. There will be a mapped out “workout space” for each Member during off bag exercises. This will ensure Members maintain proper physical distance for the duration of the class. Members and staff are required to stick to toe taps & mental fist bumps! We ask that everyone limit their contact while in the Gym.
- Clean Everything You Come In Contact With. Additional cleaning solutions will be provided to aid in members wiping down equipment before and after the use of any common area or equipment.
- Limited Use Of Washrooms: Please come prepared to train, if you need a space for your bag, we will have specifically marked areas for bag drop off maintaining social distancing. Signs are posted in bathrooms showing proper hand-washing techniques and timing.
- Sanitize Your Hands. Hand-sanitizer stations are provided at all contact points. If you touch your face or anything that may spread bodily fluid, please reapply sanitizer.
- Hand Pads and Sparring. Hand pads and sparring will be strictly limited to participants who hold valid Boxing Ontario Licensing with Kingsway Boxing Club.
- Larger than normal gaps between classes will ensure that Staff has time to do a thorough cleaning of bags and equipment in-between classes.
- Marked exit points for Members to ensure the flow of traffic and appropriate social distance.
- Remain positive. Maintain routine. Stay organized.
- Practice personal responsibility and attend Kingsway Boxing and High-Performance Studios at your own risk. If you are in a high-risk category or take care of someone who is, we understand that returning to Kingsway Boxing and High-Performance Studios may not be the right decision for you. By choosing to attend a class at Kingsway Boxing, even with the increased safety measures, you acknowledge and accept the additional risks associated with the global health pandemic COVID-19.
- Please familiarize yourself with this “new normal” and do not hesitate to email us if you have any questions or concerns. info@kingswayboxingclub.com
- If you have recently traveled please do not return to the gym until the government has deemed it safe.
- If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or come in contact with someone who has we ask that you refrain from coming to the gym until you have been cleared with a negative COVID-19 test.
We thank you for your support as we return safely to training and our very important safety protocols.