[WINTER 2022 UPDATE] We Are Back For Indoor Training… Again!!!
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The Kingsway Boxing Club will be re-entering Step-3 of the provincial reopening process and is happy to open its doors for indoor training once again with classes including; Boxing, Strength and Conditioning, even Yoga! Legislation comes into effect beginning Jan 31, 2022.
We want to thank our amazing Kingsway Boxing Family for staying by our side during several months of uncertainty, chaos and constantly-changing legislation. Throughout all the closures and re-openings, the one thing we could always count on has been your support; we truly would not have made it this far without it.
Please see below for important updates and new class options.
Contact me directly with any questions or concerns. Thank you so much for your endless support!
With Love and Appreciation,
Jennifer, Virgil and Team KBC
INDOOR Classes will operate at a 50% capacity — IMPORTANT UPDATES:
✅ Regular Schedules & Ongoing Class Reservations:
Join us every day for drop-in classes including; Boxing, Strength/Conditioning, even Yoga! Book Now/View Schedules
*Participants with ongoing reservations prior to the latest lockdown, will resume with the same schedule. Please check your pre-registration schedules through ACCOUNT LOGIN
Please cancel out of classes you are unable to attend. With reduced capacities, every spot counts.
✅ Strength & Conditioning: Now Added To Our Regular Monday Schedule
Strength & Conditioning with Aimee Lee will now be added to our regular Monday schedule at 6:30 pm — All members and drop-ins welcome. View All Schedules
✅ Yoga: Now Added To Our Regular Wednesday Schedule
Yoga, with Instructor Katerina Muchnik, will now be added to our regular Wednesday schedule and you can Register Here
✅ Thai Kickboxing with Jacqueline Walters
Our popular Thai Kickboxing brought to you by Jacqueline Walters relaunches March 2, 2022. Register Now/More Info
✅ Seasonal Programs To Be Announced:
Our 2022 seasonal programs will begin in March, 2022. View All Schedules
✅ Virtual Class Will Continue!
Our Virtual Programming will continue bringing classes for everyone all over the world, to the comfort of their homes, which can also be accessed through our on-demand library.

We offer classes for all ages, sizes, fitness levels and needs. Sign up NOW👇

ADULT Drop In Classes Daily!
These classes are run by Boxing Ontario, Nationally-Certified Coaches. Participants will learn the technical movement and mechanics of boxing, along with being challenged physically in a whole new way. The classes offered at Kingsway Boxing are suitable for all fitness levels!

Daily YOUTH Drop-In Programs
Our Kids 7+, Co-Ed Youth and Girls Youth classes are run by Boxing Ontario, Nationally Certified Coaches. Participants can expect to learn the technical movement and mechanics of boxing, along with being challenged physically in a whole new way. The classes offered at Kingsway Boxing are suitable for all fitness levels!
We’ve had incredible success with our kids and youth programs for over 15 years, proving to be one of our most popular programs yet!

Holistic Nutrition with Clare Hickey: Next booking is on February 13
Holistic nutrition is a well-rounded natural approach to ensuring our bodies have everything they need to function, not only properly, but optimally. Our program works as a catalyst for individuals to learn the best way to not only fuel their own bodies, but also to heal themselves, and create lifestyle shifts to bring about an optimal way of moving through the world.

Please see below for very important notes about your session. Do not hesitate to contact us directly with any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your support as we return to training.
- Your Online Screen: Complete Now — Are You 100%? As we return to the enjoyments of life and summer, it’s important to remember that COVID is still very real. If you’re not 100% please DO NOT COME and read Next Steps
- Parking: We will be using our parking lot for the outdoor training space. (Jutland Location: Please use surrounding lots (front of building), along the fence or far west side of entrance — If you park along the fence, please ensure you’re very close to the fence as trucks need to pass. — Bloor Location: Please always use paid lots)
- Arrive 10 mins Early (BUT NOT LATE): Prior to your classes and sessions, please ensure you/your child is fully wrapped and ready to rumble. How To Wrap
- Masks: Masks are optional while working out while physically distanced (2m). Masks must be worn when entering the facility, Members may enter the facility for use of washrooms and hybrid/virtual classes. Please ensure you bring a mask you feel comfortable wearing for short periods in the case that distanced cannot be maintained.
- Weather Cancellations: In the case of severe weather, please always check your email prior to class.