Proudly Introducing Thai Kickboxing By Jacqueline Walters.
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These classes are conducted at our fully-renovated High Performance Studios, incorporating strengthening, conditioning and the fundamentals of Kickboxing!
🥊 Learn the Art of 8 Limbs in this Thai Kickboxing program. Heighten your cardio, improve your strength, and learn how to introduce elbows, knees and kicks into your combative arsenal of traditional boxing strikes.
🥊 Balance is crucial to one’s efficiency when striking with the lower body, so we work extensively on enhancing core strength with balance-based body-weight strength training. Partner pad work will help you learn how to strike on target with strength and proper format.
🥊 Can’t kick to the head yet? This program also works on your flexibility. It also focuses on progressive learning, so basic skills become the building blocks for more complex combinations.
🥊 As a member of the national team and an A-Level international referee, Jacqueline will teach you the basic combos used by Team Canada. Mixed-level class allows for novice and experienced participants. Take your boxing skills to the next level, or try it out for the very first time. All welcome.
Every Thursday: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: High-Performance Studios | 3046 Bloor St. W.
Pricing Options:
- 5 Class Starter Pack – $105.00
- 10 Drop-In Classes – $225.00
- 20 Drop-In Classes – $400.00
- 45 Drop-In Classes – $675.00 (this package can be shared with family members)
- Membership Options – If you plan on attending 3 or more classes weekly, please inquire with us about membership options.

About Jacqueline Walters
Jacqueline Walters is a 4-time Canadian Kickboxing Champion in the 60kg, K1 Division, representing Canada at the World Championships in 2009 and 2011. Having trained and/or competed in Thailand, Europe, Africa, North and South America, Jacqueline is now Canada’s only A-Level, internationally-sanctioned Kickboxing Ring Referee with the World Association of Kickboxing Organizations (WAKO). She is also a Chief Official with WAKO Canada, a Kickboxing coach and instructor. As an ACE-certified Personal trainer, Jacqueline continues to train clients individually and in group settings. Her love of the sport, and fitness in general is what inspires her to help others stay healthy through recreational and/or competitive sport.
Here are a few things you should know before we get started:
- Bring basic workout clothing and indoor shoes
- Towel and water bottle
- Must use personal boxing items (can be purchased from our website)
- Please try to bring the least amount of clothing and gear as possible. There will be cubbies available for your bags and coats that will be sanitized after every class.

As we build routines, it’s important to continue keeping our community safe! Please be aware of any possible symptoms and contact us if you’re unsure.
Our staff, trainers and coaches will be following strict protocols limiting contact and ensuring the safety of our clients. In addition to cleaning in between clients and classes, a deep clean and sanitization of all locations are conducted at the beginning and end of each day.
Thank you for your support!
May 11, 2022
Hi all.
The Spring session of Thai Kickboxing begins tomorrow, Wednesday, May 11 at the Kingsway Boxing Club’s High Performance Centre located at 3046 Bloor Street West (one block west of Royal York subway station).
For new participants, please bring indoor shoes if the weather is inclement. Also bring a towel and water as well as your boxing gloves. Additional equipment such as mouth guards, wraps and shin pads are welcome but not mandatory. Gloves are available to borrow.
And as always, if you are not feeling 100%, please do not attend class. Maintaining health and safety of participants and coaching staff is still paramount.
I look forward to seeing you at 6:55 p.m., ready to start class at 7:00 p.m. sharp!
Be the reason someone smiled today!
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.”George Bernard Shaw
Apr. 27/2022
Hi everyone.
A reminder this Wednesday is the make-up session for the class I missed earlier due to illness. So there’s still time for you to cut loose and do some punching and kicking. Last week’s session was a blast as we started doing some offensive and defensive tactics on each other. Lots more to come.
Next 8-week session starts Wednesday, May 11, same time and place. Several spots have already been taken so get your registration in now.
Hope to see EVERYONE on Wednesday!!!
Be the reason someone smiled today!
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.”
Apr. 19/2022
Hi everyone.
We’ve been missing those of you who haven’t been able to make it out the past couple of weeks. I hope all is well and that you are feeling healthy, and that you’ll be in attendance for our second to last class of this session. That’s right, there are only 2 classes left, April 20 and 27. (The term was extended by one week to make up for the week I was away sick.)
So as long as you (and the ones around you) are well, grab your gloves, towel, water bottle and indoor shoes and we’ll see you at class tomorrow at 7:00.
Can’t wait!!
(A reminder that the next 8-week session begins in a few weeks (Wednesday May 11 – June 29, 7:00 p.m. at the High Performance Studio on Bloor). Sign up now to take advantage of the early bird registration.
See you tomorrow!!
Be the reason someone smiled today!
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.”George Bernard Shaw
Mar. 30/2022
Hi everyone.
Thankfully I’m back to full health and ready to see you all in class tomorrow, Wednesday, March 30 at 6:55 p.m. at the High Performance Studio, 3046 Bloor Street West.
A reminder that we’re still in dubious times so only come to class if you’re feeling 100%. For the new folks, please bring a towel, water and indoor shoes (or you’re welcome to workout in bare feet).
Looking forward to tomorrow’s class.
Be the reason someone smiled today!
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.”
Mar. 16/2022
Hi all.
Making sure everyone knows that class is on during March Break this week. So I hope to see you all there tomorrow at 7:00. Please arrive 5 minutes early so we can all start sharp at 7:00.
A quick welcome to our new members who will be joining us. A reminder to make sure you have indoor shoes since it’s still messy outside. Also a towel and water bottle.
And of course, only attend class if you’re 100% healthy. You no longer have to do the online assessment as it’s included in your registration.
Have a great Hump Day. See you in class.
Be the reason someone smiled today!
Mar. 02/2022
Good Morning Thai Kickboxers!
We’re so excited for us to get back to the studio and “kick” start our spring workouts tonight, Mar. 2. I’ve included Jacqueline (cc’d) Let her know if you have any questions or concerns prior to our first class together. Here are a few details before we start:
DATES: Wednesday Evenings (Mar. 02 – Apr. 20, 2022 inclusive).
TIME: 7:00 – 7:45 p.m (arrive 5 mins early but not late; on arrival, please wait socially distanced to the right-hand side of the entrance).
LOCATION: High-Performance Studios | 3046 Bloor St. W.
COVID Screening: Please complete this form before each class and have handy to show me before entering the studio. Electronic version on your phone will suffice.
WHAT TO BRING: Boxing gloves, wraps (if you have them), towel, indoor shoes (or you’re welcome to workout barefoot), towel, water. A mouthguard is recommended but not mandatory.
MASKS: Masks are to be worn in the studio until everyone is set at their station. Padwork is part of the class but not mandatory if you’re not comfortable with it. Pad holders are to wear their masks when working in partners. Partners from the same family/household/bubble do not have to wear masks during padwork. Please remember to put your mask back on when moving about the studio outside the framework of class activities (i.e. going to the bathroom, entering/leaving the studio at the beginning/end of class).
Let me know should you have any questions or concerns or any conditions that I should be aware of.
Looking forward to meeting the new class members and to seeing past members. Come ready to work hard, but know that I will be able to cater your workout to all levels. So you can do you!!
See you tonight.
Dec. 24/2021
Hi everyone.
Happy Christmas Eve.
Not sure what happened on Wednesday, but as nobody showed up for class, I’m guessing some of you may have thought the fall session was finished. I know there were several of you who let me know you couldn’t make the class. Since everyone missed the session, I will hold a make up class this coming Wednesday, December 29 at 7:00-7:45 p.m.
Please confirm with me if you plan on attending. I hope to see you all there.
A reminder also that the next session will be 8 weeks long beginning on Wednesday January 5 and running til February 23. Early-bird registration is open now. Start the new year off right by working treating yourself.
All the best for Christmas, New Years and beyond. Hope to see you Wednesday!
Nov. 24/2021
Hello Thai Boxers.
I hope everyone has had a great week so far and you’re ready to kick some butt again tonight. I look forward to meeting those of you who were unable to make class last week.
Please remember to complete your Covid assessment on your phone and have it ready to present to me before class. The link is here:
A reminder as well, that class begins promptly at 7:00 so please be in attendance at least 5 minutes before. Bring your boxing gloves, a towel and water.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or requests.
See you all tonight.
Be the reason someone smiled today!
Oct. 26/2021
Hi all. Back safely from Italy. See you all on Wednesday.
I don’t think the video attached to my original email so here it is again. In the ring with the big boys!
New video by Jacqueline Walters
Oct. 21/2021
Hello everyone. Hope you have all been having a super week. Things have been very exciting and intense here in Jesolo, Italy.
I know some of you wanted to watch the fights so I’ve included a link at the end of this email. Also, attached is a fight I reffed yesterday with the big boys. My most fun fight so far!!!
I hope class went well for you this week and I look forward to being back with you all next Wednesday.
Til then, stay well.
Jacqueline (I am on Ring 1 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Ring 4 on Thursday)
Oct. 14/2021
Hi all.
A substitute instructor, Melissa, has been secured for class next Wednesday.
So please make your way to the studio for 7:00 p.m. as per usual and I’ll see you the following week. Please ensure you have your Covid pre-screening ready for her on your phones.
Everyone looked amazing tonight. Pease bring that same energy next week for Melissa and have fun!!
Be the reason someone smiled today!
Hi everyone.
Hope you’re all enjoying this great fall weather. We missed those of you who weren’t able to be with us last week.
Pad work (for those who wish to do so) will be incorporated into class going forward. Drills will also be utilized for those not doing pads.
A reminder to ensure you have your pre-screen on your phones so that I can check it quickly before you enter the studio. A suggestion to bring indoor shoes if/when the weather is messy. If you’re not feeling well (i.e. cold, flu, Covid symptoms, etc.), please do not attend class.
We’ll start working 6 standard combos which my returning participants have already experienced. Here they are for reference. We’ll be going over them in class so not to worry if this doesn’t make any sense to you right now.
Combo 1 – jab, cross, switch front roundhouse kick
Combo 2 – cross, hook, rear roundhouse kick
Combo 3 – jab., rear body hook, lead head hook, cross, switch front roundhouse kick
Combo 4 – lead hook, cross, switch front roundhouse kick
Combo 5 – lead upper cut, cross, switch front roundhouse kick
Combo 6 – jab, rear roundhouse kick, cross, switch front roundhouse kick
Don’t be overwhelmed. This is just so you have it as a reference. It’ll make more sense as we learn and practice these. Any questions, contact me anytime. Text is better – 416.988.9788.
See you Wednesday!
Hello Thai Kickboxers!
I’m excited for us to get back to the studio and “kick” start our fall workouts this Wednesday, September 15th. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns prior to our first class together. Here are a few details before we start:
DATES: Wednesday Evenings (Sept 15 – Nov 3 inclusive).
TIME: 7:00 – 7:45 p.m (arrive 5 mins early but not late; on arrival, please wait socially distanced to the right-hand side of the entrance).
LOCATION: High-Performance Studios | 3046 Bloor St. W.
COVID Screening: Please complete this form before each class and have handy to show me before entering the studio. Electronic version on your phone will suffice.
WHAT TO BRING: Boxing gloves, wraps (if you have them), towel, indoor shoes (or you’re welcome to workout barefoot), towel, water. A mouthguard is recommended but not mandatory.
MASKS: Masks are to be worn in the studio until everyone is set at their station. Padwork is part of the class but not mandatory if you’re not comfortable with it. Pad holders are to wear their masks when working in partners. Partners from the same family/household/bubble do not have to wear masks during padwork. Please remember to put your mask back on when moving about the studio outside the framework of class activities (i.e. going to the bathroom, entering/leaving the studio at the beginning/end of class).
Let me know should you have any questions or concerns or any conditions that I should be aware of. Text is better (416.988.9788) but you can email me also.
Looking forward to meeting the new class members and to seeing past members. Come ready to work hard, but know that I will be able to cater your workout to all levels. So you can do you!!
See you Wednesday.
Hi everyone.
Here are the Canadian National Team combos I want you to eventually know and execute with competence. For next week, focus on Combo 1 and Combo 2.
Combo 1 – jab, cross, switch front roundhouse
Combo 2 – cross, hook, rear roundhouse
Combo 3 – jab, rear body hook, front head hook, cross, switch front roundhouse
Combo 4 – rear feint (fake), front hook, cross, switch front roundhouse
Combo 5 – rear feint (fake), front upper, cross, switch front roundhouse
Combo 6 – jab, rear roundhouse, cross, switch front roundhouse
My apologies for this week’s class recording. I’m still figuring out how to properly “pin” the screen. Apparently this week there is only audio, but it should be doable as you have the Combos and I describe the burpee variations in each round.
See you next Wednesday. As always, feel free to reach out if any questions or requests.
(Happy Mother’s Day Laurie!)
We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.~~George Bernard Shaw~~
Hi team
Looking forward to having you continue our next session of Thai Kickboxing. As discussed at class this evening, we’ll move forward to our next 8-week session beginning Wednesday, May 5 through to June 23, 2021 without taking a break. (We missed you Frankie!!)
Based on the current Covid-19 situation, our classes will continue to be run virtually until legislation allows us to do outdoor and/or in-studio sessions. During these times, it’s crucially important for us to continue to look after our mental and physical health, so to that end, I look forward to continue working with you in class. Remember also, to take advantage of the recorded classes so that you can work on your skills more than once throughout the week.
Please contact Jennifer Huggins regarding your registration for the program and let me know if any questions or training requests. See you next Wednesday
Hi guys.
By now you’ve probably heard the latest news regarding Ontario’s shutdown. All the more reason to stay engaged with our Zoom sessions since we won’t be back to the studio next month as hoped.
Below is the link to this week’s class. I recommend you get in at least one or two more sessions of this class on your own. This was a great class for working balance and strength. The bands (or towels) really engage some of the smaller stabilizer muscles that are often overtaken by larger muscle groups. Use ’em or lose ’em.
And don’t let the shutdown get you down. Rise above it and put yourself first… in your workouts, as well as the other parts of your life and style that you cherish.
Happy Easter. Eat chocolate guilt free. Work out!!
See you next week.
We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.~~George Bernard Shaw~~
Hi guys,
Hopefully everyone is keeping well. Looking forward to seeing you today at 6:30 for Thai Kickboxing class #2.
As mentioned, let me know if you have any specific requests for things you’d like to work on. Today will be skills and cardio focussed.
And hopefully (fingers crossed), we’ll soon be able to work out together in person.
After class today, you can have a mug of green beer to commemorate St. Paddy’s Day!!
We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.~~George Bernard Shaw~~
Hi y’all,
This week is the final class of this session (Wed. Feb 24). Based on how things are going in Toronto, and in discussion with Jennifer at Kingsway Boxing, we’re cautiously expecting that we’ll be able to get back to in-studio training soon.
So here’s what we’re planning to do… we’ll start the next 8-week cycle on Wednesday, March 10 and run till April 28. The first five people to register for the program will be guaranteed a spot in-studio once we’re allowed, as physical space will be limited.
Please let me know your thoughts/intentions to assist me with planning our next level of training.
See you on Wednesday. Those of you with bags/Bob, have your gloves handy if you want to hit with impact. Let’s finish this session strong.
We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.~~George Bernard Shaw~~
Program Update | Jacqueline Walters
Hi Guys.
For those of you who missed class, please be sure to make time to do this week’s class at least once before Wednesday.
You’ll note also there is a library of our past classes that you can take advantage of as well (one of the benefits of virtual classes).
My apologies in advance for the technical difficulties at the start. Please excuse my giant face in the screen… I had to use my phone so it was hard to see the participants on the screen.
See you all in class in February… !!
As always, let me know if any questions or requests. Stay warm. Stay safe.
We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.~~George Bernard Shaw~~
Program Update | Jacqueline Walters
Jan. 25/2021
Hi Guys.
Check this out!!! Now you can do a variety of our kickboxing classes throughout the week thanks to Kingsway Boxing’s partnership with Beaver Boxing. There is library of our classes online at the link in Jennifer’s email below.
We have our own special password to access our Thai Kickboxing classes. The password is available only to registered participants. I believe this is a limited program, so please take advantage of the opportunity to workout more than once a week, particularly if you’re not doing any other fitness programs.
I’ll be doing a session or two myself. As always, please let me know if you have something particular you’d like to work on. These sessions are for you.
Have a great weekend. Stay warm and see you on Wednesday for class.
We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.~~George Bernard Shaw~~
Program Update | Jacqueline Walters
Jan. 19/2021
Hi all.
Alex P and I had a great session last week but we missed the rest of you. Hopefully you had a chance to do the workout on your own during the week. I’m structuring the classes to build on foundational skills so that we can ramp up right away once we’re back in the studio which I’m optimistic will be shortly after lockdown ends.
Last week was isometric and balance-focussed. This week will be cardio. You’ll need three towels – two smaller ones for gliders and a big one for sweat!!
If you have any questions, or workout requests, let me know. See you at 6:30 on Wednesday!
We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.~~George Bernard Shaw~~
Program Update | Jacqueline Walters
Dec. 19/2020
First my apologies for messing up Zoom for our last class. I hope you’ve been able to do the recorded session on your own time. I’m going to do it again this weekend. It was a great cardio and strength session!
Secondly, I want to encourage you all to register for the next 8 week session, beginning Jan 6. Hopefully we’ll be able to get back in the studio in January to continue with our skills training. Until that happens, we still have our Zoom sessions. (I promise not to make the same mistake in setting up future sessions!)
January is always a key time for getting back to our healthy routine after the excesses of the holidays. Registration details are on the Kingsway Boxing website.
Til then, I wish you a happy and safe holiday. For whatever you celebrate, Merry Christma-kwanz-ukkah!
Looking forward to seeing you in 2021.
Program Update | Jacqueline Walters
Dec. 16/2020
Hi everybody.
Last class of 2020 tonight. Hope to see you all live on Zoom at 6:30. Would be great to have a quick celebration of holiday cheer afterwards. (You’ll need it!!)
Our next session starts January 6 for 8 weeks. Keep in mind how important it is to keep moving after the excesses of the holidays. Not only does your body need to keep moving, but it’s also important for your mental health to stay physically active. So please register to secure your spot.
Have a great day and see you tonight! It’ll be a tough one. If you can’t make it live, the class will be recorded as per usual.
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.” ~~George Bernard Shaw~~
Program Update | Jacqueline Walters
Nov. 25/2020
Hi Thai Kickboxers.
Thank you for your patience as we navigate through the rapidly changing rules of the provincial lockdown. You may have already received Jennifer’s e-mail below, but I wanted to touch base with you all to ensure you’re all informed about class during the lockdown.
We’ll be going virtual with our Thai Kickboxing sessions effective tomorrow, Wednesday, November 25. **PLEASE NOTE THE REVISED CLASS TIME – 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. This is to allow us to share the KBC Zoom access. Please see below, “Next Steps”, and click on Schedule to log into class. I’ll be online as of 6:25 p.m. and will begin class at 6:30 sharp.
Please make sure you have enough room to move. I’ve taught Zoom Kickboxing classes before, so I take into account that space may be limited for some of us!! Just make sure that you have room to kick without obstruction. I can’t be held liable if you break Aunt Mabel’s heirloom vase!! Emoji
Let me know if any questions. You have my e-mail and my cell number is below.
Lockdown be damned. Let’s keep Kicking. Keep your hands up and your spirit as well.
See y’all tomorrow at 6:30 p.m.!!!
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.” ~~George Bernard Shaw~~
Program Update | Jacqueline Walters
Sept. 29/2020
Hi everyone.
Hope all’s well and you’re ready for class tomorrow. Looking forward to our next session with some knees and elbows. BTW, if you have a mouthguard, feel free to bring it.
More importantly, please make sure you’re feeling healthy and free from any of the symptoms of Covid-19. This includes anyone in your household.
Also, as mentioned in class, the next Kickboxing session will be building on the basics learned so far. Remember to sign up to secure your spot. And to join the Kingsway Boxing What’s App Client group, let me know tomorrow in class and I’ll give you the details.
See you all tomorrow!
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.” ~~George Bernard Shaw~~
Program Update | Jacqueline Walters
Sept. 15/2020
Hi Thai Kickboxers.
Great class last week. Hope you’re ready to do it again. We’ll be kicking it up a notch this week so make sure you bring all your equipment with you. Mask, gloves, wraps, water, towel and major attitude!!
We’ll start working with pads for those of you who feel comfortable with it…coz hitting something is so much better than hitting air!
See you Wednesday at 6:00. Please come wrapped, dressed and ready to roll.
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.” ~~George Bernard Shaw~~