Muay Thai Fitness Program brought to you by Professional MMA Fighter, Melissa Karagianis
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Kingsway Boxing Club is very happy to bring professional MMA fighter, Melissa Karagianis, back to offering new and exciting classes at our gym.
🥊Brought to you by professional MMA fighter, Melissa Karagianis, Muay Thai Fitness classes are 45 min and suitable for all fitness levels. These classes are fun , challenging and different than the typical boxing class . Melissa has incorporated kickboxing and bodyweight exercise into this high intensity workout. Muay Thai Fitness classes will not only get you into the best shape of your life , it will also leave you feeling empowered!
🥊The Workout: Classes include fun are filled with fun boxing and Martial Arts drills. these classes will include a combination of strength, cardio, muscle endurance, flexibility, core, and functional movement exercises. You will get EVERYTHING you need!
🥊Time Efficient Training. Our classes are 45 minutes in length. Get you in and get you out. We keep you moving and burning fat from the first minute to the very end!
🥊NEVER Plateau! The body hates change! It would much rather do the same thing every minute of every day. Well we have news for you…when you do the same exercise routine day in and day out you stop seeing results or “plateau.” Throughout our classes we utilize the principle of muscle confusion. You will NEVER do the same workout twice! Why is this good? Because…your body will never adapt and you will never plateau! You will get results and they will come quick and continue to come!
🥊Positive Energy: Our programs are about a team environment where both your trainers and fellow teammates motivate and challenge you to reach your highest potential!
This program has converted into a drop-in class available to all clients and members.
- Every Thursday: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
- Location: High-Performance Studios | 3046 Bloor St. W.
- Program Option: 5 Weeks Private Group Sessions. Please Inquire
If this program is already in session, please Contact Us for prorated options.

About Melissa Karagianis
Professional MMA Fighter from Toronto, Canada and hairstylist, Melissa ” Magic” Karagianis, began teaching her clients who encouraged her and indicated they’d love to learn self-defense from her if Melissa were to ever start a class. As she started building her skills and taking on national fights, she decided professionally start teaching and began the Warrior Women Fit Program, here, at Kingsway Boxing Club.
- Bring a water bottle and a small towel. We have plenty of weights, bands and mats that are thoroughly sanitized when each class has ended. No need to bring your own equipment. I will have everything set up for you, so you don’t have to grab anything.
- Please try to bring the least amount of clothing and gear as possible. There will be cubbies available for your bags and coats that will be sanitized after every class.

The Kingsway Boxing Family has been back to training since June. As we build routines, return to work and kids go back to school, it’s important to continue keeping our community safe! Please be aware of any possible symptoms and contact us if you’re unsure.
Our staff, trainers and coaches will be following strict protocols limiting contact and ensuring the safety of our clients. In addition to cleaning in between clients and classes, a deep clean and sanitization of all locations are conducted at the beginning and end of each day.
Thank you for your support!

May 19/2022
Good Afternoon MMA Team,
Please note that this program is now accessible to all! Melissa wants to share her love for MMA with the community in a safe and fun environment. Please join us every Thursday at 8pm for our small group MMA Fitness class at our High Performance Location on Bloor St.

May 02/2022
Good Afternoon Warrior Women Team,
We are excited to announce that the Warrior Women-Fit Program will be shifting to a drop-in format.
Already Registered?
For those of you already registered for the next session, there’s no action required of you! Your 6 sessions have been converted into 6 drop in classes and your spot has been reserved ongoing. If you cannot make it for class, please visit ACCOUNT LOGIN to cancel the reservation and you will not be charged for the class.
Need To Register?
Now you can just register class by class by visiting our Schedule Page. I can also help you out by reserving your spot ongoing so you only need to cancel if you know you can’t make it. Reserve Now
We are also accessible by the Mindbody App, this makes booking in and cancelling reservations a lot more simple as you can do this all from the app:
Download Now (Apple Devices)
Download Now (Android Devices)
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you so much for you support as we work to get this class rolling!
In The Meantime, Keep Your Hands Up… And Clean! 👊
Best Regards,
Jennifer Huggins

Mar 23, 2022
Good Morning!
My name is Melissa and I’ll be your your class instructor for the Warrior Program which starts tomorrow at 8pm. I’m really looking forward to meeting all of you and as well as some familiar faces.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me or by cell phone at 647 706 6332.
For tomorrow please bring a water bottle, comfortable workout clothes and bring boxing/mma type gloves if you have a pair ( not to worry if you don’t).
Where: Kingsway High Performance Studio – 3046 Bloor St. W
Time: 8pm – 8 45pm (please arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before
When you arrive please knock or ring the doorbell for me to let them in.
Also, please check out the Kingsway website with the latest update on COVID protocols and if you have any questions, please ask Jennifer or me directly.
See you tomorrow and let’s unleash your inner warrior😊💪

March 2, 2022
Good Morning Warrior Women,
It has been nothing short of a mission over these past 2 years. I hope you managed to come out a little stronger for it all? We are still finding our way, but definitely inspired as we fight our way back to functional!
I wanted to let you know that Melissa is relaunching her Warrior Women Fit program! With limited spots we wanted to offer you the first opportunity to register before promoting it our our membership.
We’ve also launched a number of new programs, camps and workshops. Check out our Spring Updates.