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To enhance your boxing skills, consistent practice of the fundamentals is essential throughout your career.
To enhance your boxing skills, consistent practice of the fundamentals is essential throughout your career. As you progress and learn more advanced techniques, there’s a tendency for basic skills to diminish over time. However, it’s crucial to remember that the basics form the foundation of the sport and should be prioritized accordingly.
Below, we’ve assembled a fundamental 12-round workout suitable for individuals of any age or skill level. Enjoy!
Be sure to practice:
- Centre-line and Boxing Stance (balance and body awareness)
- The Basic Punches (Jabs, Crosses, 1-2’s)
- The Footwork (Forward, back, side-to-side)
- Pivoting (Offensive and Defensive)
Once you have mastered all of the basics, it is also important to put it all together using shadow boxing, heavy bags, double-ended bags etc.
“It’s not necessarily the amount of time you spend at practice that counts; it’s what you put into the practice.”
Important Notes:
- If you do not have access to a bag, simple shadow boxing will be just as effective if not more!
- Beginners can start with 2 min rounds, however the aim should always be to working at 3 min rounds.
ROUND 1 – Skipping – General warmup: Try to find your rhythm and warm up the full body.
ROUND 2 – Interval Skipping: Don’t be afraid to try different methods of skipping such as; doubles, crossover, knee highs, alternating legs. Skipping is great for conditioning, and foot work but over time it can get boring so mix it up and have fun.
ROUND 3 – JAB (1) – In Boxing Stance (centre-line) facing the mirror
- 10 Jabs – 1 pushup – 10 Jabs – 1 burpee
- 10 Jabs – 2 pushups – 10 Jabs – 2 burpees
Repeat for entire round and each time increasing the push up and burpee by 1. Add a pair of weights when comfortable.
ROUND 4 – CROSS (2) – In Boxing Stance (centre-line) facing the mirror
10 Cross’ – 1 pushup – 10 Cross’ – 1 burpee
10 Cross’ – 2 pushups – 10 Cross’ – 2 burpees
Repeat for entire round and each time increasing the push up and burpee by 1. Add a pair of weights when comfortable.
ROUND 5 – JAB, CROSS (1, 2) – In Boxing Stance (centre-line) facing the mirror
10 1-2’s – 1 pushup – 10 1-2’s – 1 burpee 10 1-2’s’ – 2 pushups – 10 1-2’s – 2 burpees
Repeat for entire round and each time increasing the push up and burpee by 1. Add a pair of weights when comfortable.
ROUND 6 – Returning to Centre (Footwork Only) – In Boxing Stance (centre-line) facing the mirror
- Work forward – backward – side to side footwork.
- Every time return to centre stop and make sure you are balanced.
- Repeat for entire round
ROUND 7 – Returning to Centre (Footwork with 1-2’s) – In Boxing Stance (centre-line) facing the mirror
- Work forward – backward – side to side footwork.
- Every time you return to centre stop and throw a 1-1-2 to make sure you are balanced.
- Repeat for entire round
ROUND 8 – Clock Pivoting Drill (Footwork Only) – In Boxing Stance (centre-line) facing the mirror
- Work defensive pivots always returning to centre-line facing the mirror.
- EX. Pivot to 3’o clock move forward and back to centre – pivot back to mirror
- Pivot to 9’o’clock move forward and back to centre – pivot back to mirror
- Repeat for entire round
ROUND 9 – Clock Pivoting Drill (Footwork with 1-2’s) – In Boxing Stance (centre-line) facing the mirror
- Work defensive pivots always returning to centre-line facing the mirror.
- EX. Pivot to 3’o clock move forward and back to centre and throw a 1-1-2
- Pivot to 9’o’clock move forward and back to centre and throw a 1-1-2
- Repeat for entire round
ROUND 10 – 1-2-3 Location Pivots using the JAB (1)
- Use your footwork to move around the bag to location 1, 2, or 3.
- Only use your jab when your feet are set in boxing stance.
- Double, triple jabs, to the head to the body keep moving and keep working.
ROUND 11 – 1-2-3 Location Pivots using the CROSS (2)
- Use your footwork to move around the bag to location 1, 2, or 3.
- Only use your Cross.
- Make sure your feet are set before throwing your cross.
ROUND 12 – 1-2-3 Location Pivots using the JAB-CROSS (1-2)
- Use your footwork to move around the bag to location 1, 2, or 3.
- Only use your Jabs and Crosses. Make sure your feet are set before throwing your punches.
- Try throwing different combinations like; 1-1-2, 1-2-1, 1-2-1-2, mix it up.
As much time as you put into building your skills, you need to place as much importance on taking care of your body. Always make sure you cool down with a stretch and time to reflect and log your training!

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🥊 3 TKO Private Training Package