Punching Above Our Weight: How We’re Keeping Our Community EXTRA SAFE
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We have missed training together and are so happy to finally see everyone again! We also acknowledge the prevalent virus and its variants and want to continue fighting for our community as SAFE AS POSSIBLE!
In addition to our Boxing Ontario Sanctioned COVID Protocols, Kingsway Boxing coaches are also RAPID ANTIGEN TESTING before EVERY VISIT on location. Although this is not a mandatory requirement, we are facilitating our team with the additional safety measure to help keep our community safe.
In the following article, we have highlighted some key information for all our members to view prior to their classes, followed by some additional precautions the Kingsway Boxing Club is taking to keep our community safe!
Please see below for very important notes about your session.
Do not hesitate to contact us directly with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support as we return to training.
- COVID PROTOCOLS — Fully Read: KBC COVID Protocols
- DAILY SCREENING: Complete Now — Are You 100%? As we return to the enjoyments of life and summer, it’s important to remember that COVID is still very real. If you’re not 100% please DO NOT COME and read Next Steps
- ✅ Vaccine Verification of double vaccination (Ages 12+) or Vaccine Exception — PLEASE ONLY PROVIDE ONCE (records will be kept confidentially on your account) Ontario Has Made COVID-19 Vaccination Policies Mandatory for High-Risk Settings For Participants 12+.
- Jutland Location: Please park in our main parking lot (ensure you park correctly in spots to allow for at least 9 spots to be filled)
- Overflow: Please use surrounding lots (front of building), along the fence or far west side of entrance — If you park along the fence, please ensure you’re very close to the fence as trucks need to pass.
- We may be using our parking lot for the outdoor training space, in this case we ask that you use the Overflow areas.
- Bloor Location: Please use Green P Lots on the North East side of Royal York Rd. and Bloor St. W.
- Jutland Location: Please park in our main parking lot (ensure you park correctly in spots to allow for at least 9 spots to be filled)
- ARRIVE 5 MINS EARLY (BUT NOT LATE): Prior to your classes and sessions, please ensure you/your child is fully wrapped and ready to rumble. How To Wrap
- Jutland Location: On arrival, warmup outside and your coach will greet you outside with next steps.
- Bloor Location: Please ensure you are lined up, physically distanced to the right of the entrance where your coach will screen you. Late entry will not be granted for classes as the trainer cannot hear the doorbell from outdoors.
- MASKS: Masks are optional while working out while physically distanced (2m). Masks must be worn when entering the facility, Members may enter the facility for use of washrooms and hybrid/virtual classes. Please ensure you bring a mask you feel comfortable wearing for short periods in the case that distanced cannot be maintained.
- Fight Team: Members of the fight team must follow the same protocols listed above unless engaged in Fight Team Training. Fight Team will be require a rapid test prior to engaging in close contact activity (to be supplied by Kingsway Boxing Club staff)
- WEATHER CANCELLATIONS: For outdoor programs, in the case of severe weather, we will email clients directly for cancellation, however we are good to go with light showers. Please always check your email prior to class if it’s looking stormy.
- NO SPECTATORS: Due to COVID Restrictions and capacity limits, spectators are not allowed to remain on location for the duration of the session (this includes parking area while outdoor classes are in session).
- Outdoor Summer Training Tips: Please ensure you bring water and a hat, the sun has a way of creeping up! Loose clothing can help as well as it will protect your skin from the exposure but let you breath. The article link is an important read as many of us haven’t been overly active outdoors, especially with the heat.
Monday Jan. 31 2022 | 12 pm EST.
Happy Monday and Welcome Back Boxers 🥊
Please see very important updates below:
- NO SPECTATORS (No Exceptions): Due to capacity limits we are unable to accommodate any parents/family members inside the gym.
- Classes: Coaches will walk the kids to you following class.
- Private Training: We ask that you remain in your car after walking your children in and return to collect your children at the end of their session.
- PARK IN KBC LOT (Jutland): Due to large collections of snow in the laneway, we ask that you park in our Kingsway Boxing parking spots available. Please park considerately (9 spots should be possible in our lot).
- Overflow: In the case that there are no spots left, please use the front of the building. There are a small number of spots available along the fence, however please ensure there’s room for trucks to pass through. Our landlord has mentioned that he may have to tow cars if they block the rear tenants. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience.
We very much look forward to seeing you all back again! Remember to only attend on location if you and your family members are 100%. Do not hesitate to contact me back personally with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support as we continue on this roller coaster!
In The Meantime, Keep Your Hands Up… And Clean! 👊
Best Regards,
Jennifer Huggins
Kingsway Boxing Club