Boxing Through Movement, Breath And Mind
Posted onDid You Know Yoga & Boxing Can Work Together?
Mobility and flexibility are two elements that are crucial in training. It lets your body heal and recover after those intense sessions!
More than a great addition to your daily routine, there are many direct benefits yoga provides to boxers:
🥊 Slowing Heart Rate: Boxers are always given 1 minute breaks between rounds during a bout. For a seasoned boxer, this time is not used to catch their breath, but to bring their heart rates down and receive much needed coaching from their corner.
🥊 Mindfulness: Learning to stay in the moment as a boxer, despite the punches flying your way, is more than an asset, it’s a NECESSITY. As Mike Tyson says, “Everyone Has A Plan Until They Get Hit In The Face.” All the training in the world won’t help you if you lose your focus in the ring.
🥊 Strength and Balance: If you can’t balance on your own, it won’t get better with an opponent literally trying to push you over.
This week, we would like to share Kat’s top favourite asanas that should be part of your daily routine!
📆 Join us Every Wednesday morning at 7am for yoga with guru Kat Muchnik! Learn More
Kat uses an approach that focuses more on the feel and less on the look leaving you ENERGIZED and RELAXED inside out!

1. ASANA (i.e. Yoga poses)
The main physical benefits of yoga are core strength & flexibility. A daily practice of these few poses will have you making great strides soon.
*step 5 & 10, add a hamstring stretch by shifting onto your back leg, and straightening your front leg. (Repeat for 5 breaths)

Because we can all use some balance in life! Here are standing poses to try for balance.
In any pose consider using props. Gently leaning on a block, a water bottle or wall can help the integrity of your alignment. Have self compassion and patience if your poses today don’t look like these examples. Meet yourself where you are today and have faith in your practice.

*in poses 1&2, your hips are square to the floor (toes pointing down). Arms can be behind you like airplane wings, in a T with elbows straight or bent, of fully extended in front. Pose 3 your hips are stacked And open to the side (toes point sideways).

PRANAYAMA (breath) How you breathe has many implications. We focused on meditative breath that will activate the parasympathetic nervous system. This will lower your heart rate while bringing calm and focus to your mind.
*Box breathing: consider exhaling with the soft “who” breath we practiced.
This can double as your daily meditation practice.
1) Set a timer for one minute.
2) Focus on your box breathing. -When thoughts come in, allow them to pass without reaction and bring your attention back to your breath
3) As this becomes easier, invest more time here. The overwhelming amount of scientific evidence clearly supports the multitude of benefits we gain from this practice.

Katerina is a certified Yoga teacher with a formal education in Life Sciences, UofT. She is well aware of how each body is perfectly imperfect and uses this combination to focus on proper form and alignment.

Check out our top 3 options for newcomers, including:
🥊 1 Week of Unlimited Virtual Classes
🥊 5-Class Starter Package
🥊 3 TKO Private Training Package