4 Reasons Why You Need To HIIT Something TODAY!
Posted onMany people are still under the misconception that to burn fat and get fit, you require time and patience… This is simply not true!
Did you know, there are ways to burn more fat and calories by working out for less time instead of more?
With High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), you tap into your maximum performance and end up burning calories efficiently while taking less time. Amazing, right?
Here are our 4 reasons why HIIT and you are made for each other.
1. Workout Efficiency
HIIT is a time-efficient, effective way to train with maximum benefits.
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is all about intensity and working at near maximum heart rate for a set period of time with short rests in-between. When you work at a high intensity you are using your anaerobic pathways to give you energy boosts and to burn calories, quicker. Not every HIIT session needs to be about cardio though, doing strength training and core focused exercises at maximum effort under time is also a great HIIT workout.
2. Less Investment
Not only are you investing less time, you also don’t need to invest in any equipment! Jumping jacks, high knees, burpees, lunges, squats — it is a world of beautiful bodyweight possibilities that gets your heart rate pumping.
3. Improve Your HMS
HIIT helps to improve the three most important aspects of your body:
H Heart: HIIT puts your heart in an anaerobic zone, pumping loud and proud. Working this hard is really good for your heart, making sure it continues running smoothly as you enter old age.
M Metabolism: Anaerobic exercises increase your metabolic rate! It helps in weight loss and keeps your body healthy inside out.
S Stamina: HIIT has known to increase stamina fast! In a 2006 study, researchers have found that just after eight weeks of doing HIIT workouts, subjects could bicycle twice as long as they could before the study while maintaining the same pace.
Source: http://dptsi.org/hiit
4. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Being able to get through challenging, yet achievable HIIT workouts will boost your confidence as you see yourself getting stronger and fitter with time. HIIT pushes you to work harder than you thought possible. The endorphin rush afterwards is just another added perk of this intense workout.
Meet Jo-Anne Sheffield, Our High Performance HIIT Specialist
In addition to hosting her seasonal HIIT and Muscle Run Programs with us, Jo-Anne is featured every week on our virtual class schedules. She also works as a personal trainer helping our community to achieve their personal and fitness goals. View HIIT Programs
Check out our top 3 options for newcomers, including:
🥊 1 Week of Unlimited Virtual Classes
🥊 5-Class Starter Package
🥊 3 TKO Private Training Package