Posted onWhile our Fight To End Cancer continues, this year’s fight looks a little different!
Throughout September and October, visit any Tip Top Tailors, George Richards and Mr. Big & Tall Menswear across Canada to pick up your 2021 Commemorative Fight To End Cancer Key Chain, Lapel Pin or Tie Bar.
The Kingsway Boxing Club partners with The Fight to End Cancer to raise funds towards cancer research. This collaboration originated from the passion in entrepreneurship, boxing and entertainment of owner, Jennifer Huggins and has now become a support system for people dealing with cancer, in one way or another.

The Fight to End Cancer may be a long one but we are so grateful for the family we have made along the way; who continue to support us everyday. One of them being Grafton Apparel.
Grafton Apparel has been a proud partner of The Fight to End Cancer since 2014 and has become a key presenting partner since 2020. Thanks to their immense support and nationwide initiatives, The Fight to End Cancer has gained nearly $400,000 in donations since 2017 with 2019 alone bringing in a whoping $223,000.
This year however, has been a year like no other. It has been better! When speaking with their marketing manager, we learned that despite 2020 bringing lots of uncertainty and lock-downs pushing their plans behind schedule, 2021 was their “biggest and best year yet, with the best assets.” They decided to steer away from their silver theme to a more red theme in order to reflect their support in The Fight to End Cancer. They have also added a key-ring/key-chain to their collection, tailoring to both men and women.
They are focusing on in-store initiatives in order to ensure safety and have lots on the horizon, including contests, pizza parties, draws and gifting supporters the new-addition key-chain, as a token of their appreciation.

Wear Your Support!
Throughout September and October, visit any Tip Top Tailors, George Richards and Mr. Big & Tall Menswear across Canada to pick up your 2021 Commemorative Fight To End Cancer Key Chain, Lapel Pin or Tie Bar.
Grafton Apparel launched their in-store campaign to help support The Fight to End Cancer on September 13, 2021. They have already accomplished to reach 47% of their $250,000 goal for this year and it only gets better. With loads of new initiatives coming up, such as who raised the most donation Pizza parties, raffles, draws, prizes and talent shows, Grafton Apparel, along with their partnering companies, are expecting another successfully wonderful year.
Grafton Apparel is working extremely hard in keeping the public engaged in their initiative because although COVID19 may have been the main concern for 2020, cancer cannot be put on hold. The impacts of cancer are very much prevalent and those working towards fighting it should not put their work on hold either. Grafton Apparel President, Lance Itkoff, personally sent out emails to all vendors and supporters to encourage and thank them for their ongoing support, even during such unprecedented times.