Introducing Kingsway Boxing Club’s newest Youth Coach, Kelly Korkola
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The Kingsway Boxing Club Team is made up of remarkable coaches and personal trainers, who not only work hard to bring you top-quality training, but have also worked throughout the pandemic to bring VIRTUAL training to the comfort of your homes.
As Kingsway Boxing Club gradually returns to in-person operations, we would like to introduce you to our newest KBC Team member, Youth Coach, Kelly Korkola.
Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Kelly Korkola became a competitive boxer in 1986 at the age of 13 where he quickly became engrossed in the sport.
At the age of 14, because of his success in the ring, he was inducted into the Canadian Boxing Hall of Fame.
Kelly started coaching in 1991 where he shared his skills, techniques and passion for boxing as well as other life skills needed for success in the ring. He continues to coach with passion and commitment to help athletes achieve their goals.
In 2018, Kelly made what seemed to be a natural next step in his boxing career, he started refereeing and judging competitions where he continues to hone his skills in the ring from a different perspective to help athletes and Boxing Ontario prepare to compete around the world.

Currently, Kelly volunteers his free time with MJKO (Mentoring Junior Kids Organization) Boxing Gym. It is here that he shares his spare time to help kids living in a priority neighbourhood learn about the art and sport of boxing, as well as offering mentorship and guidance to youth who need a positive role model in their lives.
Kelly is excited to join the Kingsway Boxing Team to bring new and exciting classes to our Youth Boxing Programs.

Our Kids 7+, Co-Ed Youth and Girls Youth classes are run by Boxing Ontario, Nationally Certified Coaches. Participants can expect to learn the technical movement and mechanics of boxing, along with being challenged physically in a whole new way. The classes offered at Kingsway Boxing are suitable for all fitness levels!
We’ve had incredible success with our kids and youth programs for over 15 years, proving to be one of our most popular programs. We look forward to welcoming our boxers back year after year and opening the doors to others looking to share in the experience.