Coast to Coast Against Cancer Contest | Featuring Gabriel Pietrangelo
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Coast to Coast Against Cancer Contest | Featuring Gabriel Pietrangelo
Kingsway Boxing Club has a long history of giving back to the community that builds our team. From supporting through our corporate program, Fight To End Cancer, to always donating local schools and charities. It has become very apparent that the next generation values investment in the future, with many of our kids and youth taking the initiative to fundraise in various ways.
Gabriel Pietrangelo is a 17 year old student attending Richview Collegiate Institute in Etobicoke. In addition to preparing for graduation, with the hopes of attending University to become a Geography Teacher, Gabe has recently joined Kingsway Boxing’s apprentice coaching team.
“I’m an avid fan of superheroes and video games, as well as sports such as Hockey, Mixed Martial Arts, and of course Boxing. I go to the Kingsway Boxing Club often, where I’m continuously learning many different techniques and skills thanks to the teachings and knowledge from my coaches.
Boxing has always been an interest to me since I was around 8, watching a fast paced Boxing match gets me off my feet every time, which would explain why Manny Pacquiao and Sugar Ray Leonard are my two favorite Boxers to watch, and observing my coaches and their teaching methods inspire me with enthusiasm to hope that one day I will be able to be just as good of a teacher as they are.”
Gabe is now mixing his passion for boxing with his love for his community by raising funds for the Coast to Coast Against Cancer Foundation.
Enter Gabe’s Coast to Coast Against Cancer Contest
By donating $15 or more, you will be entered into a contest to win as Starter Package at Kingsway Boxing Club valued at $150.00
Donors will automatically be entered into raffle
(contest ends April 1, 2019)
I’m asking you to please support my friends and I’s effort in The Inside Ride Ontario to help Coast to Coast Against Cancer Foundation. Your donation will support kids and teens with cancer and their families in Ontario.
The Inside Ride in Ontario funds critical programs in the province including camps, scholarships, work placement and educational support for survivors and kids in treatment, financial support for families with a child in treatment, parent patient advocates, parent support groups and resources.
My team and I are raising money for this cause because it’s important to us to support our peers struggling with cancer as well as aiding them as they fight for their lives on a daily basis. We hope that you feel the same way.
The Inside Ride is produced by Coast to Coast Against Cancer Foundation and is Canada’s first indoor cycling challenge and fundraising event dedicated to raising money in support of children with cancer and their families.
The Inside Ride Ontario benefits numerous childhood cancer organizations whose programs include family support, financial support and child support and quality of life programs and research.
The Inside Ride powers POGO (The Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario) by providing significant funds for both the POGO Financial Assistance Program and the SAVTI (Successful Academic and Vocational Transition Initiative)
Learn more about Inside Ride Ontario