⚠️ [ATTENTION] Municipal, Provincial and Federal Leaders!
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Dear Municipal, Provincial and Federal Leaders,
We are writing today, to appeal for your reconsideration of boxing gym closures in Toronto; specifically our facilities, Kingsway Boxing Club (KBC) in Etobicoke. We have poured our heart, soul and savings into two separate locations which are now shutdown. This business is our livelihood, we have and will continue to implement every protocol necessary to provide a safe environment. Our initiatives and facilities are integral in the community; we need your help to stand up for us and fight to keep us alive.
Our boxing facilities were pre-approved to safely reopen during the first lockdown, under the strict guidelines and support of our PSO, Boxing Ontario. Our teams have worked tirelessly, enforcing sanctioned safety and cleaning protocols, ensuring the welfare of our families, members, staff and community. Similar to the Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy industries (which remain open), thousands of dollars have been spent on the facility cleaning and COVID protocols. Since March, we have continued to adapt to the heavy government restrictions, reducing our services offered to non-fitness, technical training as private or physically distanced small groups. We have implemented the use of professional antiviral and antibacterial cleaning products for the deep cleaning of our facilities each day, and in between the use of any equipment. All Team KBC Coaches and Trainers complete the Boxing Ontario Safety Protocol Training. We ensure continued training, focused on procedures and protocols to enhance safety as the situation evolves.
KBC is extremely dedicated to the work we do; helping families, grass roots, competitive and healthy living programs, and supporting individuals in need of physical rehabilitation. We continue to employ staff and mentor youth through our competitive and recreational coaching programs. Though we quickly pivoted to a virtual format after the first shutdown in March, we are struggling to sustain two physical locations through these efforts. While we continue to stay connected with our community, the shutdown of our locations is having a devastating effect on the initiatives we have built over the past 15 years; this reality threatens the future of our business and livelihood.
We would like to invite you to visit our facility, to see for yourself, that our protocols go above and beyond that of which are implemented through other businesses, deemed safe to remain open during lockdown in Ontario.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Wishing your family and loved ones safe during this unprecedented time.
Team Kingsway Boxing Club
Jennifer Huggins
Virgil Barrow
E. jennifer@kingswayboxingclub.com
T. +1 (416) 234-0075
Help get back to training by personally contacting your MP. Send a personalized letter using the template below. With your additional contact, we hope to re-open Kingsway Boxing Club locations safely in the Grey Zone. Thank you for your patience and support as we navigate these difficult times.