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Craig is the 2016 Main Event in the charity boxing gala Fight To End Cancer
The 2016 Fight To End Cancer (FTEC) is made up of 10 fighters, an army of support staff, volunteers and a family bound together with one common goal; ending cancer. In five short years, we have assembled a team of 52 fighters, thousands of staff, sponsors and guests. With every passing day, we are reminded that our FTEC family is made up of true champions. From the fighters who dedicate a year of their lives to stepping in the ring, to the small businesses and artists, like painter Linda Bradbeer, who donates personal items to help us raise funds at our gala.
Linda, an established artist from Toronto, felt the need to do more to help her friend Craig Lauzon, who is fighting in our 2016 FTEC Charity Boxing Gala. After donating to his personal page, she felt compelled to express her support in the best way she knew how. Read her words below to learn about the love that went into the painting Life Of The Party that will be available at the 2016 Fight To End Cancer Gala.
We are all a part of the fight to end cancer and we feel so fortunate to have such a strong team to fight with us!
“My partner is comedienne Martha Chaves and we have Craig Lauzon in our comedy family. A few weeks ago, Martha and Craig worked together on a gala show in the Winnipeg Comedy Festival. I was watching backstage with Craig’s partner Erica McMaster. She told me that Craig was going to participate in “The Fight to End Cancer” this year so I asked if I could help too. She also told me what a powerful effect it had on her when she participated in 2015. I made a financial donation to his page but wanted to do more. That is when I asked if I could donate of my paintings. Erica put me in touch with Betty Ann and here I am!
I have lost family, friends, and even pets to cancer. Almost 4 years ago, I lost my childhood best-friend Kathy to a very rare ovarian cancer. Sadly she was diagnosed with cancer about 20 years earlier and had a very difficult journey over the next two decades. Yet Kathy was always smiling and had an incredible sense of living life to the fullest. She inspired everyone who met her. I was lucky in that I knew her for 45 years. To me, she was the life of the party, so I named my painting after Kathy. I am donating “Life of the Party” – 12″x12″, acrylics.
I work in an office by day and paint at night. I started creating abstract paintings about 8 years ago.”

Painting by: Linda Bradbeer
Donated as a silent auction item to the 2016 FTEC Gala. Linda named the painting after her friend Kathy. To Linda, she was the life of the party, so she named my painting after Kathy.