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In addition to dedicating the past year of his life to stepping in the ring on June 4, 2016, Cory is working toward an ambitious personal fundraising goal of $40,000.00
We are so grateful to Priestly Demolition Inc. for their generous donation of $2500 to 2016 Fight To End Cancer Main-Event Fighter, Cory Raymond. With their support we’re even closer to our $200,000.00 2016 fight team goal!
“Ryan and the crew at Priestly Demolition are proud to sponsor Cory in raising money for a cause that has touched every one of us. It’s a hard fight for everyone involved and even though we can’t win every fight, it’s still worth fighting for. We are proud that you are doing this challenge Cory and we hope one day the fight to end cancer will win with everyone’s support.“
— Ryan Priestly
Priestly Demolition Inc. is one of the most versatile and innovative demolition companies in Canada. We are focused on delivering each project on time and on budget, with an inventive approach to solving a wide range of challenges across diverse projects. Combined with our extensive fleet of heavy equipment and our remarkable team of people, Priestly Demolition is committed to effective demolition with a focus on safety and environmental stewardship. More About Priestly Demolition…